Mail, auction house and trade not working in SOD

Mail, auction house and trade not working in SOD. You get an error saying “That action is currently restricted”.


what is going on i can’t use the AH, nor trade or mail, my bank is full of stuff and so is my inventory, all the things i bought for p3 are rotting there unsold losing value by the minute, this is so anoying and unfun.


Same for me, tried to use the mailbox and it says that action is currently restricted. I can’t get quest items or work on tailoring on my main character because my inventory is now full. Can’t mail anything to alts or auction any of it. I just spent hours farming mage weave to lvl my tailoring and now I can’t do anything with that stuff. Ended up just logging off because my progress is completely halted on my main character.


I’m on a normal classic wow server Thunderfury and I can’t buy or sell anything on the auction house it just says the action is currently restricted.


Same for me. I spent SOOOO much time farming early so I could make sure I have enough gold for the server and now I am locked out randomly. They need to fix this asap. My items are also losing value by the minute because I can’t sell, this is going to cost me hundreds of gold.

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Same and it’s been nearly 24hrs…

Same on Hardcore servers, some guildies say it’s fine. I have removed all addons, deleted and reinstalled, still borked

Same boat as everyone else here, removed all addons, deleted cache and wtf, uninstalled game, restarted computer. Still can’t use AH, trade, or mail.

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Hi, my brother is having the same issue. He put in a ticket and got what seemed like an automated response.
It basically was a link to the support page.
Has anyone else made a ticket? Is Blizz aware of this?

Where is blizz on this? I can’t play the game.

Tambem estou com este mesmo problema. Nos resta esperar até terça feira 09 para uma nova manutenção.
i am with same problem. i am waiting next manutention on tuesday.

Where did you get info that it might be fixed by next Tuesday?

Been having the same issue. Started when blizz patched the incursions and nerfed the gold, so about 3 days now. I sent in a ticket and got an automated response, and so I sent a follow up. I got this response and my ticket was closed:

First off, sorry you’re dealing with this hiccup - I know it can be a bit of a bummer. Unfortunately, us folks at Customer Support cannot directly fix these mechanic-related issues, but we’re here to help guide you through a possible solution!
For some players logging out for a full day has been fixing this issue, there was a fix rolled out. If you haven’t signed out of the game for at least 12 hours please do so, then report a bug if it continues.
If that doesn’t do the trick or if you stumble upon any more bugs, we recommend filing a Bug Report…”

I haven’t tried logging out for 12 hrs yet to see if this does the trick. I’m hopping the next hotfix patch tomorrow or Tuesday fixes this issue.

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I got exact same response. They just copy past it for all. Very frustrating.
Still have this issue after 13h+ logout.

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Will this nightmare ever end?

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Just heard from some guildmates that there’s supposedly a 30-day lock on brand new accounts that blocks access from mail, auction, trading. Hoping to get a confirmation, but it seems legit (

I guess this is to combat bots, but really sucks for people new to sod and playing the game for the first time…

This is disgusting behavior by blizzard. I got nothing by BS form letters the same as many of you. The game is not playable and we paid to play it. We should be reimbursed game time for this.


Some more relevant posts:


Damn this sucks, can’t do a whole lot to prep for raids or sell inventory