Maiev shadowsong Class

According to Wowpedia, Maiev is a Warden, Priestess (former?) – and according to what I played in Warcraft 3 and what I saw in Legion, she has a unique skill set. Short Blink (short teleport), a spin that releases multiple daggers or spikes at enemies around her, a shadow clone that deals damage over time, a dagger that hits the enemy and causes slow, in Legion I saw that she has a spell (not sure if it’s from her gauntlet or some rune on her hand) that imprisons any being that uses FEL, in a specific amber.

With this skill set, she becomes a “warden.”

Wouldn’t it be feasible for Blizzard to make this class? It would be a great class for future expansions.

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Out of the examples you’ve listed, a class has all of it.

Blink is obviously blink.

Shadow Clone = Mirror images or Monk SEF

A dagger that causes slow = a lot of abilities. Hamstring comes to mind

And the CC sounds like any other.

It is a cool theme, but I don’t see them putting together a full class with multiple specs out of what we’ve seen and you’ve listed. At least without a lot of redundancy


There would still be the spinning with spikes (I think rogue had a skill like that) and the entire arsenal against demons/Fel, which apparently is unique to wardens.

But I understand that it seems very similar to other classes. The monk splits into three clones with three elements, right? In warden’s case, it would be one shadow clone that deals damage for X time as an offensive cooldown. Really similar but not 100%.

In the case of the dagger with slow, the slows of the classes are usually ice chains, hamstring, concussive shot, etc… I think only the rogue has a dagger that causes slow, and the warden is something between a rogue/duelist, so it’s normal to be quite similar to them.

Of course, there should be other skills to complement the fantasy, but a melee with blink, a shadow clone (that could replicate the user’s skills), magical imprisonment skills or similar things involving arcane control is somewhat unique.

I even thought of a fantasy where one hand could imprison someone in amber for 20 seconds, release repulsion or arcane explosion, summon spheres that light up an area and reveal those in stealth, as well as have a skill where the warden disappears and 5 wardens appear standing still (like in the warden’s dungeon last boss) walking in a straight line dealing damage.

There are several variants for this class.

Maiev’s weapon would be an additional feature, with tank skills (focused on parry), spinning skills that cause bleed, spinning throw and retrieval using the hand with the rune (or gauntlet, not sure), it would be really interesting.

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Not exactly. Wardens have always appeared to be a specific group with a varied arsenal and Maiev in the heritage quest considers recruiting a mage. :scroll::robot:

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Exactly what the poster above me said ^

Wardens are a Night Elf elite force made up of skilled warriors of various skillsets not a specific class, they use martial arts, stealth, melee combat, and magic. It’s a specific Kaldorei task force and wouldn’t make much sense as a class.

They’d make a lot of sense as a Hero Class for Warriors or maybe even Rogues/Pallies, though!


Woulda been a good rogue hero tree.

It wouldn’t.
For the same reason Sentinel is a bad Hunter Hero Power.
It isn’t a class quite as much as it is a specific racial regiment.

Hell, why do you think their helms are shaped that way.

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You’re just being pedantic. That’s like complaining nightborne hunter is horrible cause you never saw one in the city since they are alllll magical. Caring about the specifics isnt fun and certainly not like WoW.

It would look really cool on a tauren. JUST KIDDING.

yeah, i agree

hm, i see…Maybe it would be because of the blink? Or the arcane control part?

From the prints, there are even wardens with bows, which would increase the possibilities even more…

The difficult part of making a class isn’t so much the theme but making new unique or even somewhat unique roles in wow.

If you class idea is a bunch of other class abilites repackaged it likely needs more work.

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Dont think people would care much to have a similar hero spec spread across different classes. Even if it functioned the same, just the theme alone would make people happy.

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You have it backwards.
I’m not saying all of X race is is Y class. I am saying all X class is Y race.

It isn’t pedantic at all. One of the biggest gripes on Hunter feedback right now is how 2 of our Hero Powers are racially inspired not class inspired.


Funny enough, the Wardens despise the Highborne and anyone using magic but we see them using arcane powers and devices. :robot::magic_wand:

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They could make ot work if they want evoker is essentially a mage so they could make it unique if they wanted to.

We need another glaive class that other races could be so this could be it! As long as trolls get a chance to be it snd it being a shadowhunter for horde im down.

From a lore perspective that’s no different than any other class. “Mage” can be anything from an evocation specialist blowing up mountains with fireballs to a portal specialist. A rogue can be a master assassin or just an urban pickpocket. Yet they’ve been able to fit all of that in to single playable classes. So I don’t see the “varied skills” being something that would outright prevent making a coherent class out of them.

Personally seems a lot more interesting to me than something like Tinkerer.

If hero talents get expanded upon, I can see Warden fitting into an existing spec with enough “lift work” to switch it up.

Closest spec I think is survival hunter. But it’s hard to say, they have bits and pieces coming from Rogue and (battle) Mage.

Though in the case of Warden specifically, I’d prefer it to be its own dedicated class. But I’m unsure of the specs. Perhaps it can have a tank and a DPS one, but I wouldn’t be able to conceptualize how they’d be different enough.

This. Absolutely.

The easy part is coming up with the name of it, and coming up with names of abilities.

The hard part is coming up with something unique it brings to the table.

Wardens are basically Rogues/Hunters with a bit of moon magic.

That’s because Tinkerer is the most boring WoW “class” idea to ever exist LMAO