Was watching a few old raid videos and was wondering, why hasn’t Maiev’s armor been obtainable? Shoulders and helm look sick!!
It is?
Complete the Trading Post monthly bar 12 times.
I have that. It’s not “maiev’s” armor though. They’re different.
You can get a more exact look with a toy that comes from the wardens renowned boxes. It gives you a transformation item.
because maiev doesn’t use the player model.
That’s not “armor” that’s just the NPC model.
The Trading post achievement armor is the player equivalent.
I guess it’s because they want Maiev to look unique.
I don’t think they ever gave us exact mogs of a major NPC. At most, we might get something similar.
It would be cool if we could, but I understand why.
How can you tell how many times you’ve done it?
It will be tracked under an achievement called “Trading Post Enthusiast”. The 12 do not have to be consecutive.
It’s disappointing on female characters as the Torso is nowhere near the same, its slendered down so you look like a thin post compared to a Warden’s imposing bulk.