The Maiden of Vilgilence is bugged currently, and requires you to log out and back in to even attack her and the mobs. Seems like a lot of things from legion are bugged and require you to log in and out. Like in order for me to get my heroic KIl’Jaden skin, whole reason why I ran tomb today, I had to log out and back in for it to appear in the legion transmog options list.
I can confirm that as of February 4, 2020 the bug persists. I didn’t get credit for the kill last week and thus no credit to the four-kill quest I am on.
I can confirm that as of July 24, 2020 the bug persists.
Can confirm December 6, 2020, Bug still exsists.
I’m trying to see if this is the same issue I’m experiencing. I’m soloing the raid, and have these quests that may be of interest in troubleshooting the issue:
Tomb of Sargeras: Aegwynn’s Path; Pillars of Creation (completing during this run), The Deceiver’s Downfall, and Defending Broken Isles among others.
I’ve completed killing the bosses and activating the pillars; but the doors to Maiden of Vigilance are not responding. I’ve checked for comments on Wowhead, and yes, I’ve killed the mandatory bosses, and clicked the glowy things (pillars) in the 3 rooms to enable/allow me to proceed to Maiden. (The 3 remaining bosses are Maiden, Fallen Avatar, and Kil’jaeden).
I noticed my character was translucent/pale. I’m a druid so its similar to the look when stealthed. However, after enabling and disabling stealth, the look remained. No buffs/debuffs display to explain this (Sign of the Skirmisher, Mana Divining stone, and cat form).
Thinking death might resolve this, I jumped to my death, and respawned inside the raid in Chamber of the Moon. Tried those doors, also blocked. Could not interact/click on the NPCs. Also could not leave the raid by running back to entrance. Multiple times trying to reload ui (including disabling all addon’s). Nothing is working.
Stuck so will have to hearth out.
Is any of this like the bug you’re describing?
Thank you in advance.
Edited to include spacing and confirmation on remaining bosses & actions taken to resolve.