Mahra Treebender- Not making Equipment disappear

I had talked to mahra to have my gathering Equipment " Hide my accessories and only show my tool while gathering" but when i go to Mine a Node my mining Pick remains after finishing and i still have to right click the buff to remove it


Friend of mine is having an issue that his mining helmet not showing up and i noticed mine isn’t showing up ether

I find that using her to disable profession gear appearances works for awhile (maybe until I log out?) but I always have to come back and disable it again because it keeps showing up after I disable it.


I have to talk to Mahra every day to not see my crafting equipment. When will it be fix as permanent. It is ridiculous that i have to talk to them everyday when i don’t want to see it.


This happens to me constantly and it stops working randomly. Also, sometimes my profession equipment remains visible even in combat.


Same issue here. Crafting equipment still showing up.

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Settings to minimize when the profession tools are displayed are still not persisting.

Please fix this bug. Mining helmet shows no matter what poor Mahra Treebender does. She really deserves a raise, in whatever she gets paid in, for all the torment she is getting from unhappy helmeted players.


Having the same issue. No matter what I set Mahra’s settings to, it seems to fully reset daily and even then, when crafting/gathering I’ll still occasionally be stuck with the buff leaving my equipment swapped til I click it off.

Please fix this, it is very annoying to head back to this specific NPC every time to refresh my selected choice (hide all profession equipment); why can’t this option just be a toggle setting in the Interface or Profession menus instead??

I, too, am having this issue.

This would seem to make the most sense to me. In any case, would be nice if this gets fixed soon.