Good to see some from Echoes on here.
Elthiteren, NE Hunter
Good to see some from Echoes on here.
Elthiteren, NE Hunter
Hey, its Elthiteren, NE Hunter from Echoes.
Marsala: Human Mage, Huma: Human Paladin
Guilds: Revelations, Order of Blinding Light, Southshore Sluggers, Real Life Heroes
Char: RavenHawk, Human, Paladin
Guild: Ascension
i forget who all there was but i was hoping to reminisce or figure out what server they all went on
Gazrok, Gnome Mage with an awful combover…you probably bought your sniper scope from me.
Guild: Defiance
I am surprised how many names I recognize reading through this post.
I am currently playing an orc hunter on Herod
Dwarf hunter , Falcorr
human death knight , XANTOSE
forgot my friends name and guild
for the guild if anyone remembers im more then happy to talk or the one friend i used to be close with , i used to call him chris crocker XD
-Human Warrior
(my brother was Romyulox, pally)
Past Guilds on Server
-Rocktamus Prime
Who I am looking to connect with…
-Anyone from Magtheridon. I used to PvP a ton.
-I am on Incendius-Alliance (for now), message Ramix
MEGAramiX#1136 is battletag
I was raiding with PT same time you were. Davion, Holy (obviously) Paladin. KISS was the name of the gnome I was trying to remember. You forgot Tipme though, best gnome name ever, and Farva, Headacheman’s personal paladin.
Davion - Paladin - Alliance - Serious Gamers + Pain Train.
Looking for anyone from those guilds who I raided with.
That was in Serious Gamers wasnt it?
Ho - human paladin, Hody - gnome mage in Order of Blinding Light
I played with Shelleybelly - human priest
I still chat with Tasis and Nethershadow looking for anybody else <3
Name: Azsharas (eventually changed to Azsh), Nightelf Hunter
I mostly did world PvP and dueling outside Ironforge. I played less and less as the content became more and more focused on 40 player raids and eventually cancelled by subscription around May 06 before BC hit.
I remember loafing around Ironforge with a NE warrior named Amarxist and a NE hunter named Tatiana. Also a human mage named Magys and an NE Druid named… Kelstrad?
Anyone remember the name of that Horde guild from early on that was dedicated mainly to just ganking low level Alliance zones?
[Alliance] Kainus (Night Elf Warrior) here. Looking for Kristaria (Human Priest - Diviniti) or Labotomy (Human Warlock). Reach me on Discord @ DrkNytSky#8912 if you have any information por favor.
PAIN TRAIN IS BACK - Fairbanks Horde - The WHOLE CORE IS HERE + DRAMA from Kargath. WE’re more danagerous than ever. Come join us Vandiego we need a druid class leader/officer bad. — Pain Train Guild Leader - Nice - Come find us on Fairbanks Horde - Msg Maimgler, Dalinte, Rambones, nice aka Hunglikeorc, Robbo (Jerle), Sooks (Pastor). my discord name is nice
#6316 - Looking for Labotomy, Losshear, Vandiego, Nightaddr, Gatekeeper, Asa, Unkownuser, KARAHAN GOD I MISS KARAHAN SO MUCH. We’ve already 25 manned Onyxia and killed rag 3 times. We’re on a roll atm. 1 more binding and Jakoms gets server first Windseeker.
Pain Train is back on Fairbanks - We are Horde this time around. We’ve got about 50+ Active 60’s already. PVE is our thing but PVP is our focus. Hit me up on discord we also can help you level up. nice#6316 - Looking to find some old friends. PT Core is still here and intact from 2004 all lvl 60’s and Swampass Raiders alts coming shortly behind. Love to talk to you and hear from you EX PT. -Nice [PT] And yes Guildbank still funds hardcore members their mounts and among other things. Unfortunately we cannot cascade anymore so guildbank is weak vs our past guild bank where we had to have 3 banks to hold it all. Only Core member missing is Malvolio – We think he may have died ;(
One of the best healers ever!
Candykane says hi Serephina!!
pretty sure my character was a ne hunter named babybug or buugg or something like that
I cant remember the guild I know I dealt with genesis don’t know if I ever got in but for some reason dark angels keeps popping in my head but I could be wrong I do know my guild had a main guild and a alt/levling guild and a angry hunter because on my first or second run of mc I got dragonstalker helm hah
Character: Elyane, Human, Mage
Guild: Militae Templi
Few names on here I haven’t seen in a long time.
Character: Kasume, Gnome Mage
Guild: Defiance/Wicked Demise
I’m on Kromcrush Halfcentaur holy paladin. Curious if there are any people from Magtheridon also on Kromcrush.
I actually recognize some names on here, kinda amazing.