Magtheridon Alliance Reconnections

Gnome Warlock

I won’t roll alliance again, but I’m down to /f l some people. speedylovers chat is pretty vacant nowadays

Gilrain, dwarf, paladin
Sacred Wrath


Bowchikabow -Human Priest
Omicron - Night Elf Rogue

Guilds: Romanticide, Order of Blinding Light, Blood of Redemption, and others. in wrath we had < Has Flavor > as well.

What’s up!

Yeah that sounds about right. I wonder if they are still around.

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Missibis, Gnome Mage
Ibis, Human Paladin

Heck i dont even remember the guild names, i know there was Defiance, Genesis and Wicked Demise (i think) are the ones i can remember off the top of my head.

some of the guys i remember off the top of my head are Sugars and Maioc

if any of you remember me go ahead and add me kwasinger#1545

I remember you from Vanilla I played Nightwhisper

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Perineum, Human Priest
Militae Templae (or however TF it was spelled) with Noskillz

You might remember my Benediction staff running around IronForge.

Goompa haha i remember you!

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Crais -Human Warrior, Obese -Draenei Shaman
All That Remains / Team EZmode
Long time Emirsa!

There’s still some familiar names online in both of the Steam groups (“Ezmode” & “Magtheridon (US)”) but I don’t know if the admins are still active.
Dicord: Crais#4006


Yooo Crais!!! Long time indeed! Thanks for the heads up on the groups - had no idea. Lots of familiar names there, joined what I could. Doesn’t look like most of the old guard EZmode folks are looking to get back into it, but that doesn’t surprise me tbh.

I’m coordinating with a few RL friends (pre-ATR Blackrose folks) + Kelbourn on Discord - I’ll get you the invite on there!

Tremulant/Injuneer, Human Paladin.

Guilds: Notorious, Echoes (Majority of the time), All That Remains for a few weeks

May jump into classic. Awesome to see a lot of classic names I remember.


Name/Race/Class: Silvermaine/Human/Rogue
Guild: Rocktamus Prime
Anyone really. Though my original guild on the server… the guild leader was named Trew. I don’t remember the guild name though.

Crais!!! Been too long bud. We will catch up soon.

Night elf rogue Ninjagunja (ah to be young and stupid at the time)
Spent most of my time dueling outside IF and camping in Kargath and dueling horde outside ORG.
Looking for asteroids, moonelf, darkz, meteor, ismoke, orlidan or orlidon, kaxt, and a bunch of other names i can’t remember for the life of me.

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Maliris Ret/Holy Paladin of Exalted.

What you been up to Cataclysmo? :smiley:

Shout out to the following: Grimreaper, Talia, Fugoo, Gatekeeper, Wujenx, Nighthawk, Melys, Falaina, Ragnar, Xiaoxiao, Erdrick, Theone, Justlove, Mcxlordcriox, Walken, Envinyatar, Dragonlord, Ladybug, Whiteworm, and whomever I forgot. lol (If you are wondering how I remember all these names, well… I still have screenshots when we first broke into MC and Onyxia Lair"

Msg me on bnet to catch up. vauhs#1970


Character: Stamp, Night Elf Hunter
Guild: Pain Train

Shout out: Kiss (Maimer), Nice, Lucane, Doomhandle, Proheals, Headacheman, Fromanchue, Crimsonkhaos, Shokan, Jacce, Vandiego, Mki, Vyle, Bigglesworth, Tyro, Tonycapone, Dalinte, Influx, Jacce, Malvolio, Dayofpain, Sanigus, Layastharen,

/5 pthunters Rambones, Hamchook, Invasion

Airplane for Pres


I still have Beardsmite on my friends list. But the folks that joined and raided in wrath were not so friendly and it’s why I left before then. But we had some really good times in TBC and Vanilla.

Nah never made it in. I was always too scrub lol.

Feel like I was in NS though during early WOTC. Could be mistaken.

I was in Strife with you. Herumor, paladin in Vanilla, and Pagangoat in Strife. We were in PT together too.

every single name u mentioned I raided BWL and cascaded MC with. I joined PT the week before BWL dropped and Malefic bounced. You forgot Serephim ;D donno how.