Currently when im riding a tame Magmammoth and use the harness it says must be riding a stolen tame magmammoth
Same doesnt work
The harness can only be used on a single tame magmammoth.
I think it is the one from the Burning Ascent that you use it on.
Mine doesnt work either. I got the harness and tried multiple magmammoths but all wont register as stolen. Pretty disappointing considering how long it takes to grind.
has anyone found a fix for this?
There is a tamed mammoth south of dragonbane keep around 33, 71. Kill the guy protecting the tamed mammoth and hop on it.
Confirming this is bugged for me too… on the Tame Magmammoth and when using the harness, it still says “You must be riding a stolen Tame Magmammoth.”
Thank you so much this worked for me. Makes sense that you’re stealing it from that guy eh lol
This is still not working. Grinded the Wrathion/Sebellian rep to max. got the glasses, got the boots. bought the harness. Tried to use harness on the lone magmammoth south of the hold. Can mount, but when trying to use the harness, get the message i need to be on a stolen magmammoth. so i run out of area thinking it will trigger…nope. watched videos online. Tried the suggestions: buy the neclace from griftah, that did not fix it. Tried logging out and back in. did not work. Tried fighting the guy with tamed magmammoth just below the lone one, does not even give option to mount. This is very frustrating after the time and money sink into this and not able to get it now. is there a fix yet?
This did not work for me. Found and Killed the guy you mentioned, but magmammoth was still agro after tamer died. I tried to slowly burn it down thinking it would trigger a capture/ridable event. It just died. still broken
replying here. hope it helps. The frustration behind this… if you are reading this… i feel your pain. As mentioned in the thread you do have to steal it… after setting up for success, what worked for me: Logging out. Close WOW completely. Launch wow and re-log into character. find the right mammoth - looking at your main map of the waking shore - look at siege of dragon bane keep event marked with a horn on lower west area of map. There are two guys (qalashi necksnapper) with tamed magmammoth. One is slightly northwest, the other slightly north east. It is the north east side that worked for me. before engaging, use the necklace you buy from griftah (ash feather amulet)., mouse over mammoth to confirm you see the ridable green arrow that appears when you mouse over it. then all good, target and kill the guy. run over to magmammoth, click to mount, ride, use saddle/reins item. boom. got you loving lava bud. please, i hope this helps. Good luck.
Both my husband and I were able to ride it after reloading while being dismounted.
even when doing what you provided, im not getting the riding green arrow on the one thats hostile (either one). when i attack protector the calf still aggros and dies. when i vanish or try to run away the calf despawns. the other one in the area that is neutral and ridable cant be used with the harness
Okay finished the Sabellian/Wrathion grind yesterday and picked up the harness.
Flew down to the magmammoth calf just south East of the Siege area, and picked off the tamer. Then hopped on the calf, used the harness and got the achievement and mount.
I also looted the empty snail shell from a lava slug.
100% worked for me, ty
Confirmed…This is the correct way to handle this. Thanks for the help!
This is not BUGGED I repeat! This is not BUGGED! You have to go to Tame Mammoth near Coordinates 33,71 there will be a MOB that is sitting on the ground next to the mammoth kill him and ride that mammoth to redeem harness.
Worked, thank you.
This was the fix! Thank you! Killed him and used the harness on it and it worked. But it wasn’t working on the ones sitting around.
This worked for me as well, Thank you so much!