Magister Umbric has been invaluable to the alliance

Void Elves actually got more screentime than I ever thought they would.

My hot take is that despite coming out of nowhere they hold up surprisingly well as a new addition.

I find them no worse than Vulpera.

I quite like Umbric. Beating up rich snobs living it large during a world war with him was the best thing ever. He is such an earnest guy, and really does seem to care about providing a new place in the world for the Ren’dorei.

I feel like the Ren’dorei in general will simply need time. They likely will get serious fleshing out whenever we finally do the Void expansion as we are going on a grand tour of the cosmic forces for the foreseeable future.

I do not think they showed up in 8.3 because 8.3 felt rather like a rushed bolt on to end BFA, which they very much wished could just go away. As For Nazjatar I guess the logic is for the most part the people there were Alliance military, which is overwhelmingly human. As it was a trap, no one was planning to go there… and Azshara had all teleportation blocked for everyone EXCEPT you because you had your magic MacGuffin HoA to override her lockout. Not ideal for sure, but… it is what it is.

I like the idea of Void Elves, And I have been suspecting for a bit now they must of found a way to convert other people. That is the only way to really explain just how many of them we see without having to handwave it away. I certainly think they have the resources to devise a less chaotic to do so, between Alleria and the Locus Walker. They still have the original void forges we busted, and as Ethereal tech Locus Walker should be able to repair and adjust them to not outright turn you into a void entity. A bit like turning the oven down from broil to 350.

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I feel Void Elves did not show up in Visions of Nzoth because there actually is a subtle difference in how the void and old gods are displayed.

I’m not sure if what I said makes sense, but the Void in Mac’Aree is displayed very differently from what we see with N’zoth. Void Elves fit the Mac’Aree vibe. They fit with the cosmic representation of it rather than the physical representation.


Just like Sylvanas was a cancer on the Horde, so could Umbric be a potential cancer for the Alliance. Not because he’s secretly a void minion working for Old Gods or anything but as a potential threat to maintaining peace between the factions.

Umbric’s goal is to someday make Silvermoon an Alliance nation again. Currently with peace, he can’t do that through force of arms, so he would have to resort to diplomacy or subterfuge. Even if he tries either it’s a forgone conclusion it would all be doomed to failure since they’re not going to make blood elves Alliance and force faction changes for all belf players.

Thus, his efforts would fail. And fail again. And again. Again, etc. More failures could perhaps make him more upset and desperate and resort to more and more unsavory tactics resulting in something tragic happening that threatens peace.

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well, it happens when your side starts the war unprovoked, and for no reason at all with a genocide. everything the alliance does after that. is minor, and honestly justified. dont’t you agree ?.

As for thread, we didn’t have enough of comrade umbric.
i feel like his reasoning and the void elves are still not well characterized.

he wants to save silvermoon… by killing all belfs?
and i don’t think that he was truly a victim of lor’themar.
kinda the opposite.

his motivations needs to be explored deeply so we can understand what is actually his plan.

but i kinda like the commie meme.

indeed, he is doomed to failure, either because belfs won’t be going alliance… ever again. unless wow ends…
or because i really doubt that he conquers silvermoon for the alliance, that isn’t going to happen.

maybe we could have some more story from silvermoon?
anyway, i don’t really understand what the hell he wants to do.

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Umbric and shandris are basically the mvps of the Alliance war campaign

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He needs a new title. Surely the big minds of Silvermoon have rescinded his status of magister?

Dude’s LARPING real hard.

Sorry, he’s not on the “list” to receive a decoration or commendation. He didn’t go above any beyond for anything significant. You should write one for, um, Taelia! She had a absolutely critical impact on the war effort by guiding said PC around the Boralus Harbor!

Taelia was involved in most of the storyline for Kul’tiras and she is/was a awesome character. One of the few gems in the steaming pile known as BfA

The funny thing to me was how I remember some alliance players being VERY resistant to wanting to accept what was happening in that quest. I specifically remember one telling me “they’re probably just being teleported to a prison where they’ll be questioned and then released”.


You have no idea how funny I actually found this. Don’t know how much experience you have in the military but this is actually a pretty accurate statement (sadly).

While I get that you mean in real life?

That’s making me giggle more, thinking that that was their character response.

“No…no, he probably sent them…into a…yes, into an interrogation room! Where they’ll be harshly questioned, and maybe even sent to bed without desert! Maybe even without dinner! Yeah, that’ll show 'em!”

I mean, where he’s sending them is pretty clear.

Yeah, I mean OOC. I had to point out the quest title “Void Vacation” because they didn’t want to believe the implication.

Serious answer: I get you. The reluctance is, I suppose, understandable. I can see why that might be hard to stomach, especially if it’s sudden. The thing about clamoring for your side to show some teeth is that it can be a little tricky when you end up witnessing the bite wound.

Continuing the thing that’s making me laugh: No…no, he…by “Void vacation”, they mean that…that because of their unregulated time spent away from the Horde military, they’re going to void some of their vacation time…yeah…yeah, that’s it. Because the Horde is like that. Merciless murder machine with paid vacations! Isn’t that right, Umbric? Is that what you meant?

[Magister Umbric looks at them for a long moment.]

Umbric: …I suppose that’s possible, as with the Void, all things are possible. Look, watch me pull a coin out from behind your ear.


The War of Thorns was a lot of bad things

but it was provoked

And it had a reason (The Alliance suicide attack on the Horde champion being entirely unpunished internally)

I’m glad ya’ll like him because I hate that Elf with the passion of burning suns.

He’s probably the easiest Vision bossfight but my God is he the longest. Just staring daggers at the guy as I patiently wait for that ice storm to be over, every time, because it’s hilariously easy to dodge but seems to go on and on and on and on.


New doorways have opened to your frustration.

The universe is full of mysteries as to the limits of your patience.

I greet you, and will cast this storm until I am satisfied that you have received the greeting.

…he’s a high elf. They’re like that.

It’s like a Voidy version of sloooooooow doowwwwnnn…life is to be savored.

He stops if you run into melee range.

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Ah. I did not know that. I haven’t gotten that far on my DK yet and it never occured to run into melee range on Priest lol. Thanks for the tip.

A lot of the counters to the mechanics in visions aren’t really clear. I didn’t know for at least two months that you could face away from Shaw’s eyeballs to stop taking sanity damage, and I learned only just last night you could kick the explosive barrels away to make room before they blow up.

Also, Stormwind is way worse and less fun than Orgrimmar in general.