Magister Umbric has been invaluable to the alliance

We’ve seen physical evolutions.
Night Elves out of Trolls.
High Elves/Blood Elves out of Night Elves.
Void Elves out of Blood Elves.
These are not comparable to blood elves and high elves, whose only difference is in which brand of battery is in their eyesockets.

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(Commentary): And now, Blood Elves out of High Elves, as per Ion’s very words. The Blood Elves have evolved past the point where they would have blue eyes. It’s a color option that doesn’t make sense for them as a result of this. What further evolutions will we see down the line? What might Blood Elves look like with a time skip of 50 years? 100 years? It’s an interesting bit of speculation, but we know for a fact they’ve evolved from High Elves. They’re no longer High Elves. That would be the latest word from Blizzard. Seems Ion has amended his earlier statements.

Per Ion’s words, Blood Elves are High Elves. With this important information in mind, it’s clear that he was using evolution as a figurative for how far they’ve come as a culture.

(Observation): Not anymore. His most recent words on the matter is that Blood Elves have evolved from High Elves. New lore trumps old.

His most recent words on the matter were colorful language to describe the societal differences between the tiny smatterings of the race in the Alliance, compared to the overwhelming mainstay in the Horde.

(Commentary): Because blue eyes are a societal difference and not a biological one? Hardly. The Sunwell, as many players have been fond of pointing out, is now a font of both Holy and Arcane energy. Blue Eyes should be possible for Blood Elves because of the Arcane… except its not, because they’ve evolved past that. They’re no longer High Elves.

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same thing, different name.

What sort of tone suggests one definition of evolve over another?

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(Commentary): Listen to it for yourself. The slight pause before, ‘have evolved,’ is indicative. Aside from that, as pointed out, eye color is not a matter of societal change. It is, quite literally, a biological one, meaning this evolution if biological.

We will have to agree to disagree then.

(Query): You do not believe changing eye color is a matter of biological evolution?

(Commentary): Seems quite illogical.

You yourself said the wording was unclear.

You then go on to speculate about biological evolution, which is fine - but speculation.

I do not think High Elves and Blood Elves have biologically evolved apart. That WAS a thing in pre chronicle BC era lore, but Chronicle removed that altogether when it softened the Blood elves from being maniac fel users mutating from excessive exposure to unfortunate victims of circumstance whose eyes turned green from indirect exposure to the burning crystals keeping the magically reliant architecture and systems of Silvermoon from literally collapsing.

If you purged the fel from a blood elf, they would not be noticeably different from a high elf.


(Observation): You are correct. In the fact, I felt that the wording was unclear. Having had time to ruminate on the matter, take in the perspectives of others, and think on it, I have come to the conclusion that the wording was clear, and my interpretation was simply insufficient due to disbelief (I honestly thought Blood Elves would have gotten blue eyes as it makes sense since the Sunwell is a source of Arcane Magic).

(Query): Is one bound to a single opinion for all time and unable to change it upon gaining more information and consulting a variety of others’ interpretations?

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No, but I am asking you why now you find it so unbelievable that I disagree with your interpretation, when you started out stating that you thought the wording was ambiguous.

(Commentary): I do believe I answered that question by replying that I have had time to think it over, listen to others debate the point, take in different perspectives, and come to a conclusion. Like I said, at the time, it didn’t seem clear to me due to my own personal bias of having felt that the Sunwell’s arcane nature should have allowed for Blood Elves to have blue eyes as easily as yellow. In short, the only logical answers are either that, as Ion said, they’ve evolved past that, or Ion is wrong. The thing is, thinking it rationally through, there’s no reason not to add blue eyes even if he believes it’s not lore appropriate. We’re seeing a number of additions that don’t have lore behind them with other races, so why should the Blood Elves be different? The only logical answer is that it isn’t a matter of a new option that doesn’t have a lore reason, but that it is an option that works against the lore.

All I’ve said is that I disagree with you, and you apparently find this incredulous despite starting out at the same position.

I’m willing to agree to disagree. I find this a rather ultimately fruitless exercise in linguistic wrangling.

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I’d think that if the sunwell promotes gold eyes over blue, then the existing high elves should have had their eyes changed too. But meh.

Yep. There’s no reason for this not to happen. We already know that Lor’themar allows the traitor high elves to pilgrimage to the Sunwell.

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