Mag'har... Warlocks?

Isn’t one of the absolute core tenets of this race’s identity being that they rejected the fel and the demons…?

How do you even take the lore/story seriously when the people okaying these decisions are in all likelihood huffing paint?


It’s just like - ironically - making Lightforged Draenei able to be warlocks. I wonder how they’ll justify Mag’har paladins in the future given Geya’rah’s angsty hatred of anything Light-related.


Player characters are individuals able to make choices of their own.

If a class consists in a set of skills that can be learned and have no biological requirement, its fair game.

If a class consists of abilities that only certain individuals are born or made to wield, then keep it limited (death knight, demon hunter, Evoker).


Warlocks transcend petty dogma.

There you have it.

That could be explained quite easily with what has been seeded into the lore, so far.

We already have a Maghar Exarch Hellscream who Yrel counts among her number. Whether he is a Maghar Paladin or some Lightbound Warrior, remains to be seen - but he is called Exarch.

And that was mentioned at the intro of the Allied Race to the Horde, so one could state it has been a part of the Lore of the Maghar Allied Race since it’s introduction - though not playable.


This is a stupid argument. You might as well remove race restrictions on classes altogether because “individuals are unique”. Except, this game’s design intentions from the very beginning and for a decade+ have revolved around the choices of classes available to races being tied to that race’s very core tenets.

Sure, you can go in another direction but explanations like that will always be hamfisted and exist solely to drum up an excuse to make that change in the first place.


I will act as if this was stated in good faith…

That seems to be the direction this game is headed, for good or ill. Blizz pretty much declared outright that Druids and Paladins are on the way - it is just that they were more difficult to implement than Priests, Rogues, and Mages.

So it is not about “if” - it is about when.


You can’t imagine one of those Mag’har kids falling in with a bad crowd, and picking up some fel magic from the creepy warlocks hanging out in the bottom of Orgimmar?

There’s got to be some of them that are edgy teenagers who want to make their parents mad.


This is exactly what’s going to happen soon-ish. It might already be underway. Once they added Tauren Rogues and Lightforged Warlocks, it was pretty much their way of declaring that plausibility is no longer a factor in class-race design. Eight-foot tall minotaurs with big stompy hooves? They can be rogues because of magic. Beings literally infused with holy power? They can still use demon magic because of some hand-wavey explanation that only vaguely makes sense. It cannot be an accident that they released the two most implausible class/race combos in the same update.

I’m not saying it’s bad or its good. Maybe it’s for the best. Maybe it’s not for anything. But it’s going to happen eventually. Though I must say, imagining undead/orc paladins and nightborne/blood elf druids kind of gives me indigestion. Pandaren Paladins are also a silly concept, but in fairness Pandas will be silly no matter what you do.


Given that Chi-ji has been shown to use both fire and holy themed abilities (i mean one of his mechanics in his world boss encounter is called Beacon of Hope), not to mention his followers use the light and that Anduin at one point was studying under the Red Crane until he [Chi-ji] fell to despair. Pandaren paladins could have a place in the lore if you root it to Chi-ji.

Or you could expand that by viewing each spec as a devout follower of one of the following August Celestials.

Protection = Niuzao
Retribution = Xuen
Holy = Chi-ji

And as we have seen with the Zandalari, one can become a paladin via their devotion to a wild god. That being Rezan for the Zandalari.


ill live as long as hero classes stay exclusive
lightforged demon hunters… nah son

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I was basing my comment on current Mag’har lore and the devs’ stated intention to gradually make every class playable for every race.

While I don’t expect people to like that idea and am not hoping for it myself, I would laugh my head off if that happened.

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It’s called
“realizing that this games lore has always been janky and hardly ever made sense to begin with.”

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That is what they’re doing.

The only non hero classes remaining to be allowed for every race are Paladins, Druids and Shaman, and there has been setups for all those 3 to be unlocked soon.

This doesn’t break stablished lore, class restrictions have been mostly cultural, and 20+ years of existence of the current alliance and horde would be more than enough for some interchanging of ideas and out of the mold people to join the ranks of the military of the alliance and horde, which is what we Player characters are, in fact currently in the timeline we have people that are reaching adulthood that were born after the wc3.

Keep hard limitations like demon hunters and evokers, unlock soft limitations.


Why won’t anyone state the obvious… more class/race combinations = need of more game time = more subscriptions being paid to the company = bigger bottomline. That’s it… that’s literally just it. Wake up guys… this is a business that needs subscriptions.

I think it still works from the Shadowmoon Clan as warlocks used to involve void powers. Remember the funny excuse we have for undead priests. :robot::thought_balloon:


The only hero class that can extend is demon hunters particularly to Void Elves as we see Void Elven Demon Hunters in Hearthstone and its not the first time a Demon Hunter turned to shadow magics to empower themselves. Maybe one can argue Nightborne and say its elf exclusive…

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Sure, but “mag’har” is a bit of a misnomer at that point, isn’t it? Literally and figuratively, they wouldn’t be an uncorrupted orc anymore. When your entire racial identity is about not doing a thing, and then you do the thing…

I can more or less accept “degrees of corruption” as a handwave but it’s still a hard sell.


The main concern on class combos for me is a little ideological but it’s mostly biological.

A Mag’har warlock with the scepter of sargeras or on the level of the player warlock should be turning green.

Unless of course canonically Mag’har warlocks only come in different flavors of affliction.

Another example of biology getting in the way is Void Elf paladins.


The ‘Mag’har’ we unlocked as an allied race aren’t the same Mag’har from Outland, they’re former* Iron Horde after a 30 year gap in time, where we have no idea how much their culture changed, if at all. The Iron Horde was fully willing to scamper to Fel blood once they started losing, and did not experience the same level of cultural destruction as the Outland Mag’har did as the result of Fel. We see them freely wielding Void magic, for example, which was used to torment and control their ancestor spirits in WoD.

Lorewise the Mag’har are the Uncorrupted because they were the ones too sickly to march with the Old Horde and didn’t drink the Felblood as a result, they refused to wield Fel after. But it’s a pretty specific moniker that Blizzard slapped onto the Iron Horde for whatever reason.

Edit: Also, wielding Fel magic alone wouldn’t turn a Mag’har green, for a warlock to suffer some sort of physical change due to their magic they need to be delving into some wildly dangerous stuff to the point of nearly losing their souls. If it were latent Fel magic only, the Mag’har on Outland would have green skin too, particularly the ones in Hellfire.


In every culture, there are always those who take contrarian even rebellious paths.

The very essence of being a Warlock in any culture touches on this theme.

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