Mag'har vs. Mag'har?

At the end of the Saurfang questline he seen heading south from the South of Swamps which has had led to speculation that he’s going to enter Outland and secure his forces there.

Now it’s been recently revealed that Overlord Geyarah approves of Sylvanas’s decision to arrest Baine.

And now all I can think of is the Mag’har fighting against the AU Mag’har.

Is that something that you would expect or want to see.

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I really doubt Saurfang went to Outland.

If he does, I really doubt the MU Mag’har will be involved.

People keep mentioning these guys but I thought they mostly came over when Garrosh became Warchief? There were a lot more mag’har orcs around in Cata and it’d make sense that many would seek to join him when word got back to them.

So I doubt Saurfang is going to Outland (if that is his destination) for a new army. If anything I figured he was going for Thrall.

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There were a few notable Mag’har’s that were noticeably absent (by us, obviously) during Garrosh’s reign.

Mainly Jorin Deadeye.

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I understand that the AU Mag’har have far more diversity and opportunity than the dwindling MU Mag’har…

But by god, I still wanted the MU Mag’har. They’ve been so damn neglected this whole time, and there’s so much room for cool stories there. They have the freakin’ son of Kilrogg, and Blizzard’s doing NOTHING with him!!


And… And… Most importantly: he’s hot.

He may be missing an eye but he’s got a lot of heart!



I always figured it was mostly warsong mag’har we saw supporting Garrosh. The village was still fully functional in the Shattering and didn’t really mention a mass exodus.

What I want to (keep) seeing is:

Green orcs - Saurfang
Mag’har - Sylvanas

I want to see the two “meanings” of orcish honor to come head to head between the two groups. The green orcs have been through some crap, and they’ve done some crap, while the Mag’har only really went through the Lightforged purification problem (given that the younger ones didn’t live through WoD).

It’s like the old dogs versus the hotshots, but with the philosophies of “doing-what’s-right” honor versus “loyalty-to-the-end” honor. I find the Mag’har and the green orcs to be in a really interesting position because it’s almost like the Mag’har act a lot like the green orcs did right before the first Horde coalesced in the MU. So, the green orcs could rightly see shades of themselves in these people and naturally try to steer them right, but of course the Mag’har already know what they believe…

Idk, it would be a rivalry I’d like to see between the two groups. Like, “fine, we have differences, but in the end (when we’re up against Alliance/Void trying to murder us) we are brothers.”


He’s more than likely going to find Thrall. Where even is Thrall currently? Could he be in Outlands Nagrand with his family?

Edit: I almost forgot that the 2017 Blizzcon showed Thrall as being one of the main characters in BfA. Wonder if that was completely scrapped or if he’ll make an appearance at some point?


There’s always the Tower of Medivh.

Karazhan? Why would Saurfang seek Khadgar?

Medivh’s return could prove some interesting dialogue between him and Saurfang, also Khadgar could be still there too. Him going there would be unexpected and it would be the last place anyone would look for him in.

I really hope that doesn’t happen. Orcish honor has been there for ages, and the mag’har know firsthand what the MU horde’s honor is. Geyarah is too similar to Garrosh in that she doesn’t quite understand what’s going on, and really only seeks war. I don’t want this mag’har to side against his kin :disappointed_relieved:

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No, but we have a new concern in the Alliance-Saurfang Saga.

It’s such a waste because there were so many cannon mag’har leaders they could’ve chosen instead of this fanfic husk of Garrosh.

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Not to mention he’s more likely to be under Khadgar’s protection should Sylvanas or vengeful Alliance find him there. Allowing him to arrange meetings with sympathetic parties, i.e Thrall.

Geyarah is too similar to Stonetalon Garrosh, you mean. Think about it—would Thrall have “dismissed” that overlord in the same situation? I find that really, really hard to believe. He’d have gotten imprisoned, for sure, maybe he would have even been given a trial and then been killed, but would Thrall have straight up thrown him off the bridge?

I really want this rivalry of philosophy between the two groups of orcs, with neither EVER (you hear me, Blizzard? EVER) wanting to conquer the world and kill everyone. It would differentiate green from brown in ideology, old from young, and I think that would be nice to see.

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Thrall publicly executed one of his advisers in the middle of a battle, in front of both Horde and Alliance soldiers. Carved his head in with Doomhammer, after he tried to attack an alliance soldier after Thrall declared the battle over, and also for consorting with a demon.

I mean, Burx wasn’t just a soldier, he was one of Thrall’s top lieutenants, chief warrior of the Horde and capable of rallying the Horde. And Thrall still caved his skull with Doomhammer for disobeying him.

“You have brought disgrace to Durotar, Burx. You have caused the dishonorable deaths of orc and troll and human warrior alike. This blight can only be eliminated by your death. As Warchief, it is my solemn duty to carry out that sentence.”

While not as memorable as “You are dismissed”, Thrall wasn’t playing around with Burx.


Oh, did that happen in one of the books?

Still, I think there should be something differentiating the brown orcs and green orcs apart from the color of their skin. I think this is it, Geyarah’s philosophy vs. Saurfang’s.