Mag'har Orc skins

I want to make a frost wolf clan orc, which skin number is that?

I believe it’s the brown one with tattoos.

The one that looks like they have paint on I believe is Laughing Skull

That’s more of a Warsong thing.


Well then maybe it’s the one that I thought was Laughing Skull.

Yeah is one of the solid brown ones but there are several. I wish it was made clear somehow.

I’d say the first one (1 - dark skin with stone things on the shoulders) is supposed to be Blackrock. The next three (2, 3, 4 - pale with various scars) I think are Laughing Skull. The next one after that (5 - brown w/o tattoos) I’d say is the best bet for Frostwolf. The next two (6, 7 - brown w/ tattoos) is Warsong. The last 3 (8, 9, 10 - light brown with/without paint) I’d say are Shadowmoon or Bleeding Hollow.

I wish the blackrock skin had more options. They just get one but they’re the coolest looking one :frowning:


Maybe if you go back to Frostridge and check out some of the NPCs and get an idea of their coloration. Might be a little hard tho cuz they are covered with furs :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I thought the pale / scarred one was the clan Bladefist belonged to? I don’t remember the laughing skull being pale.

Any color option besides green, light green, blue green, or greeeeeeeeeeeeeen is a great !

I discounted them being the Shattered Hand on account of them having both hands. Plus, the Shattered Hands’ is a darker grey. If you go to Gorgrond in WoD and look at the Laughing Skull they use some of the exact same scarred skins.

Hmm. Well guess my memory is messing up

I use this as the Mag’har DK skin since WE DON’T HAVE THEM. :rage:

If it makes you feel better, the only reason I know that is because I specifically went and hunted around Gorgrond before I made my Mag’har shaman to figure out which skin was the best.

It is a lighter skin and tats are optional .

I use the Of the Frostwolves for this toon

Either plain brown or brown with less tattoos. The brown one with a lot of tattoos is Warsong, but the one with less tattoos could be either. But I’d do plain brown

I looked up the clans when Mag’har came out and I think this is what I came up with. I wish I kept that paper I had all the clans on.

  • 1 = Blackrock
  • 2 = Burning Blade
  • 3 = Laughing Skull
  • 4 = Shatterend Hand
  • 5 = Frostwolf
  • 6 = Warsong (?)
  • 7 = Warsong
  • 8 = Thunderlord
  • 9 = Shadowmoon
  • 10 = Bleeding Hollow

My list also had Dragonmaw, Bonechewer, and Stormreaver and a couple clans that went extinct on it but I am not sure if I had skin colors for them.


Frostwolves in WoD were brown with no tattoos.

Here’s a good picture representation someone on Reddit made about it:

But Dragonmaw isn’t exinct, is it?

Blackrock is what you want.


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