Heres my problem: Last night before i went to bed i had the quest completed “Restoring old Bonds” i did not turn it in, and logged off. This morning i woke up turned wow on with the hopes of continueing the questline, instead to my surprise i was ported back to orgrimmar with no way of turning in the quest…so i looked everywhere in draenor, embassy, portal room, everywhere to turn this quest in, no luck…so then i decided to delete the completed quest "Restoring old bonds"in the hopes it would reset it in the embassy,no luck, and yet again, looked everywhere to find that quest. nothing. So i opened a ticket 24 hour wait time…4 hours past they send me a message saying basically “To many ppl so little time” and reset the 24 hour waiting period…i need some help folks.
EDIT: Problem solved, Blizz rep helped me with my issue thanks Blizz