Maghar or Orc for warrior?

Seems like orc racial > maghar racials.

OMG who cares about racials? Pick whatever looks more awesome to you, in this case, Mag’har. :crazy_face:


If your going by racial then orc

If your going by looks mag’har looks cooler(at least until shadowlands gives orcs some more customizations)

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MechaGnome should be your primary choice since you are Alliance.


Mag’har look amazing.


Mag’har are orcs, they’re just brown. Choose which you prefer.

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Pick one, or do you not have what it takes to make basic decisions on your own? Do you cast a poll before you choose what to eat, or what to wear?

Mag’har. They have cool heritage armor.


Mag’har have neat customization options, especially the varied skin tones. Orc might get some cool stuff with the SL customization overhaul though, if you wanna take a chance on that.


Mag’har heritage armor looks amazing with some of the plate gear from WoD.

  • Garrosh shoulders match the red heritage armor.
  • The black hand looks good with the black set for fury weapons.
  • Wild Combatants Girdle if you want more visible weapon on your belt. Matches the black set pretty well.
  • The Arathi elite warfront set looks amazing for tanks.



I would just stay Alliance until you find out what they’re doing with factions in SL. It looks as though we may or may not be working with certain horde factions based on what SL faction they choose. At least I hope thats the case. That would make an entertaining expansion.

Mag’har look lightyears better than normal orcs. And their heritage armor kicks some serious butt.

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:arrow_up: :arrow_up: :arrow_up:

This dude has it right. Play what you want to play, not what will increase your deeps by 0.0028934%.

Mag’har looks amazing and sounds god awful. (Race changed my warrior from male orc to male Mag’har, kinda regret it, made a dark iron warrior instead.)

Check the audio on both, make sure you like the melee audio for Mag’har. Their heritage armor set with the MT flails are BIS.

Yup… don’t listen to Liars and anyway…

Orc = PvP
Mag’har = PvE

Yay Mag’har love thread! So much better than seeing the High Elf, Blood Elf, Gnome love threads. Lok’Tar Ogar!

Sorry Daskosh… it dose care about racials. If u’re listened to Alliance’s lies that won’t let you be Orc. I passed Mag’har Dps as Orc and I did race changed forward to back 3 times. I found out that chart from herodamage and bloodmallet sites, and those are LIED that won’t let u be Orc.

I am sure that sites made by Alliance that want to beating Horde for created weak races+classes and prevent ppls create Orc also growing. Because the reason is Hardness (Duration of Stun reduce by 20%). 20% is far good enough for pvp in arena and world.

Orc Hunter is legendary (not MM, it still ain’t bad w/o pet)
Orc UH DK is legendary (other spec is ok)
Orc Shaman is Legendary (summon pet is good)
Orc Warlock is Legndary (strongest class in game as being Orc)

Blood Fury is still off gcd and fit in Dps cd like SV’s Coordinated Assault 2 min cd for Macro. Orc’s Pet Command buff 1% to their own pets. There is few other classes that can summon pets and PC do affect it.

I only have 4 Orcs pow Alliance on world pvp and Alliance pow me as Mag’har. I prefer Orc and they’re best. However I was thinking and should buff Orc’s Blood Fury a bit if Sim don’t lie.

For The Horde!

I’ll vote Maghar, racials doesn’t matter. I never felt comfortable playing green orcs because if I were given a choice to drink fel or die, I’ll choose the latter.