Mag'har Birthdays

This is a random 4 AM thought and I hope this doesn’t make anyone upset or something, but…

There is no reason that Mag’har should know their Azerothian birthday.

Or orcs before the opening of the Dark Portal or Draenei for that matter. And I think that’s just kinda sad. We have no reason to believe that Draenor, Argus, and Azeroth all have the same sort of annual cycle. Years and days could be completely different on all three planets. So it sorta just made me wonder how orcs know how old they’ve become. Is it just a feeling of the passage of time?

I’m just kinda curious if anyone else has ever thought of this and how they gauge the age of characters not from Azeroth.

I literally don’t keep track.

My character ages are vague because I don’t want to keep track of when I started, how many years the expac was, then the time skip, then the next expac, etc.

But it might be doable as long as a character is aware of their age when you started them in Azeroth and can track a calendar or timepiece.

I’m not sure a Mag’har would be that concerned with their precise birthday, though. I feel like they might track it like “I’ve been here for X number of moons, summers, harvests, etc.”

If it doesn’t have a lifespan comparable to a Human, I keep it vague.

Vanndrel’s history doesn’t start until the Second War, where he was a young adult. Now depending on who is writing or the phase of the moon, he’s anywhere between entering full adulthood or still just a very, very traumatized elf teenager.

When pressed, I just toss out 200 years, give or take 50 years. This boy was hitting the Bloodthistle hard enough post-Theramore even he doesn’t actually know anymore.

The few times I been asked Juspion’s age (Draenei) I replied with very dumb answers.

Ah! Simple in Draenei calendar we arrived in the year 2007 and I track by the years I have been on Azeroth so I am 17.

Or I just do “I’m a-b² divide by c solve for y.”

As for orcs, I think the ones born on Azeroth just uses an Azeroth calendar. As for Draenor, since there’s no real lore explanation and now it’s blown up rocks floating in magic space, I’d just fall back and say whatever was used was lost due to the Legion’s corruption. (and the planet blowing up)

As for timey wimey Draenor, grrl you don’t even go here. You can also use the MU Legion reason but replace with Lightbound. You can also steal my dumb meta joke and say the Lightbound forced us to use their dumb system and use 2018 as the date lmao

I’m very tempted here to toss in the difference between dynamic time (based on the motion of celestial bodies) and atomic time (energy transmission within an atom), as well as the way time and space are linked, but it’s Monday morning so I won’t injure anyone by discussing that.

You heard him, people. If you see a Mag’har blowing out candles on a cake, make a report. Together, we can end this problem.

Who are we reporting to?

The Party Cops.

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Not the Party Police :sweat_smile: