Mages Mobility

This is one of the most anoying and overpower things in game right now. If u are a melee againts a mage gg, i will never be able to catch him more than a few times meanwhile he is destroying u. I don´t understand why they have acces to all the mobility tools and don´t have to choose btw one or another like always was and to make things even worts they can perma slow u and freez u. They made a class that is imposible to catch, i understand they as a caster need ways to get distances but now feels unfair.


agreed brother


You aren’t melee though


I swear removing the ability that removes slows when they reapply shields would make it 100% more balanced

I get touched for 2 seconds and my health bar is at 10%… Ill give up mobility for more ice blocks or shields I guess.

Unsubbing from wow because of massive pvp neglect. Mages feel so awful in pvp. They get absolutely stomped by hunters and melee, kiting melee is a thing of the past.

Not true at all.


hoj 10 yard, rebuke and crusading strike even less, boJ 20 yards, so u only gonna be able to hit him with judment and fv, and if u can´t kick or cc a mage he will cast on ur face, and cast = glacial spike 300k, ice bomb 300k, ray of frost, etc. so ya mage mobility affects rets too. Mage is the only caster than can win 6-0 in a full melee lobby

indeed, every time u get near of they is bd, after time, temporal shield, one ice block or two.

Only mage spec that ever makes me disproportionately mad is Arcane. I’ve never been 6-0’d by a Frost mage.

… or anything really.

Wait what am I saying. Down with mages.

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"Trade triune warden for less mobility
This way everyone can just hit each other make arena the size of a closet ( feel right at home for some) .

Remove movement and just be stuck in one spot. Only have 3 abilities. Attack . Block Dodge."

Even if you catch and destroy the mage.
It takes forever and its 0% fun to chase them around
blink blink alter blink displacement blink BLOCK
rinse repeat

alter time being 10 sec on a 10 sec cooldown should be gutted
and shimmer->shimmer->displacement is so tox.

i know this isnt the thread i should be venting in, but yesterday i played arcane mage/frost mage/demo lock on tol viron in a shuff. like what god did i offend?

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I honestly should be the one to complain about mage mobility but seeing a ret complain? New low

Yesterday i saw vanguard in a SS with a mage and others dps were melees, vanguard won only 2 and mage 6. He even sayed that mages can win easy in a melee lobby . Soo maybe u haven been playing againts 1600 mages.

My bad I meant to say I’ve never went 0-6 because of mages. Sorry that came out weird