Mage vs warlock

How is Demo even close to the hardest caster in the game?

Same here. I love affliction but then I play destro again and I feel like a god.

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I meant between mage and warlock, demo has the highest skill cap. There are other much harder casters lol

They’ve both had their ups and downs but over the years I’ve definitely enjoyed mage more overall. I always feel like they have much more control over a given situation. For casting animations though it absolutely has to go to the warlocks. They’ve got some wonderfully dramatic animations now for some of their big hitters, like chaos bolt.

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I deleted all my warlocks but have three capped mages. I adore frost (they are all frost) and I’ve stuck with the spec even when it was considered “only for pvp.”

Locks I wanted to like because I played the EQ necro that they are based on. What tore it for me though was spending gold on green fire only to realize I was never going to complete that eye of kilrogg invisible crap part. I actually deleted them all once I realized there would be no green fire party.

There’s really nothing about mage that gives me any reservations. Can’t say the same for lock, where I don’t like how any demons look but maybe fel hunter.

I just want lock’s water breathing in frost. It would make sense. Maybe even more sense.

Also I’ll leave off with this. TPing can not be overstated, it may be the biggest QoL of any specific class. I can set my hearth in my covenant zone, and still be almost anywhere else I need to be (including every old expansion) in less than a minute. You only notice how amazing it is when you play a character that’s not a mage for awhile and start to miss it, hehe.

I’m partial, though I did enjoy Arcane Mage in Legion! Arcane Missiling EVERYTHING! IT WAS AMAZING
 Then I leveled my priest and my rogue, and the day just got away from me! Oh wait? I play a Warlock? Oh right! My dad gave this toon to me, right right! I love Warlock! DEMONS!

Destro lock’s animations are 20/10. Demo lock’s animations are honestly
so cool also. Fire mage animations are sick. Frost is whatever. Arcane is sadge :frowning: but has the potential to be amazing.

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Personally, I don’t like either. I find warlock incredibly boring nowadays. I mained it from 5.4 to 9.0, and I miss playing it. But the class just always feels
 lackluster. now yes I’m a destro fangirl, but still. I wouldn’t mind going back to MoP Demo.

I love both for different reasons but there’s sometimes a trade-off between convenience and fun. Mage rotations are very clean. But, I wouldn’t care if a demonology warlock was clunkier - I get to open portals in the sky and rain bilescourge on enemies’ heads. Pull down an Infernal meteor. Turn imps into bombs and explode them. Throw dreadstalkers at them. Hurl balls of fel, fire and shadow with my trusty pet demon at my side. All in one single battle.

No other class combo feels as one-man-army OP as a Demo Warlock.


Well it depends, i main Frost Mage but i also have a lvl 70 Demonology Warlock. From my experience, Warlock is better for leveling since you have a pet to tank for you and Healthstones and the Drain Life ability to heal yourself. Frost mage is fun but it does take some skill to make sure your outputting good damage. Frost is my recomendattion for Mage leveling since it slows and freezes your enemies and give you time to do damage. As for the casting, theyre both long range so the abilties are going to have mostly the same animations. Overall though, in my opinion, they both take some skill and researching to do as much damage as possible, but i do mostly prefer Warlock due to their tanky pets and quick self healing abilities. Late response sorry, but hope this helps you or anyone else who is searching for an answer :slight_smile:

Fire mage is one spec I’m almost allergic to, I could never do those cracked rotations hardcoded into muscle memory

I’ve always had mages in every game I’ve played. However, on the convenience side, I’d have the warlock. My main right now is a lock. If you play solo you won’t die as much as the mage. It can take easier than mages some rares that are quested for 3 players or even 5. Their pets are great under certain circumstances.

As for casting animation, it’s a subjective thing which one you’d like.

Warlock is much easier for PvE content, and provides a lot more utility. Pets, healthstones, soulstones, summons, etc.

I’m not great with Mage but it’s definitely more burst damage.

Casting animation? Dunno, all of the classes’ animations look fine to me.