So I want to play a caster and I am really casual. I don’t do mythic + or raids more then lfr. I want to eventually pug mythics once my home life settles down, new baby makes things chaotic, and was wondering which of the two were more wanted in a pug? That and which class/spec is fairly easy to to do decent dps as?
im a returning player who has both of them . warlock is always desirable because summon portal / health stones/ soul stone/demonic gateway and other good utilities.
as for mage it has always spot as a caster and provides 5% int buff.
regardless gameplay and dificulty i would stick to warlock , because in this version mage is really hard in pve, really weak to do solo content/leveling ,whie warlock can be played without any issue or not being professional.
Thank you. I really like the idea of both and have a 50 mage but I have done any shadowlands with him yet but since I don’t want to pay to transfer I would be leveling from scratch and knowing that mage is kinda weak solo if you aren’t a pro is good to know.
I have both at max level as well, both are super fun but they’re just alts for me.
Mages are also wanted in groups not just because of the int buff but also Timewarp for bosses.
My mage is frost and doesn’t have as much burst as say fire, but for soloing content, you can kite big pulls. I was able to solo one of the big elites in the Theatre of Pain (not the instance, the arena) with my frost mage at level 58.
What did you decide? I am at the same page
For solo/casual content I preferred my mage for the teleport/portals, though it gets dicey when you have to fight elites. Warlock is better for survivability since you have your own personal tank (Voidwalker).
I’ve leveled all three Mages and two of the Warlock specs. Only Fire Mage made it to 60, though not by choice (was questing, grinding guild rep to buy a guild mount). All the others are 50-52.
If I had to personally rank them for my preference/ease of use: Frost Mage > Destruction Warlock > Fire Mage > Arcane Mage > Affliction Warlock. Haven’t tried Demonology Warlock yet.
I played a bit of both. Mage was fun but I had a hard time once it 50. Warlock was something I enjoyed but the mechanics felt wonky to me once I got up about 30. So right now still trying other classes.
A couple things to keep in mind here for any would be adventurers:
Most classes will start to feel a bit more difficult after passing into shadowlands content (50+). This is due to mob scaling not being quite as good as it could be unless you’re coming into the content fully geared from BFA. The more gear you obtain through shadowlands leveling, the easier things will get. Basically, the difficulty hump will subside the closer you get to lvl 60.
As far as class mechanics and rotation go, they aren’t designed to feel “complete” until around level 50. So something that might feel bad to you at a low level might end up being your favorite class down the road.
I always highly suggest that new and returning players make a Class Trial character (there’s a button on the character creation screen that allows you to do this). This will allow you to spend a few hours with a level 50+ character in a learning environment that will let you experience the class in question with the full compliment of skills available to you.
Just a couple points i wanted to chime in with. Cheers all