Hello all!
I have finally come down to two classes I cant decide on to main for shadowlands. I like how paladin is strong and has good survivability, but I also feel conjested for raiding with my friends and I feel like it wont bring as much benefit playing a ret as a mage would for dps with my guildies. In pvp, I love how ret plays But i hear that mage has a fun rotation and is usefull for not only pve but pvp as well.
Any opinions would be appreciated so I can figure out a main and start playing wow!
I am M+ player only with x2 KSM. So I cannot comment on Raiding, nor PvP.
Fire mage is superior in almost every aspect to Ret paladin.
- uncapped AOE = massive damage = S-tier = Meta for M+
- Lust - must have for every M+
- Portals are nice
- Range! Much more forgiving. SL is not melee friendly.
Rets are okay. And they don’t feel that strong, nor fast, but rather slow pace.
Don’t be fooled by fire mage nerfs in 9.1, they will stay remain S-tier (aka top damage) in M+ scene. Just don’t go frost or arcane. (And to those who claim Frost to be good, I am yet to see a single frost mage pull more than 6k dps average in 15+ timed, while I’ve seen firemages average out at 8-10k per run).
But as someone who has Holy Paladin, they are awesome. So, being Paladin will give you a chance to try tanking or healing! I personally don’t like pala tanks, but healers are awesome. Rets are just boring imho.
Fire Mage is top-tier for now but is getting nerfed next major patch (and quite considerably at that; they’ll still be amazing in M+ though). Frost Mage is looking ungodly good next tier pending any future tuning though.