I love how when the mage tower was active these rewards wouldn’t return… what does blizz do? give a cooler fel bear… w an over tuned challenge. Blizzard are liars! the recolor for transmog is fine. But I love how I did this on every spec and class and got all the appearances during when it was current and have NO achievement. They should give these rewards to the ppl who earned it when it was current content automatically honestly. And for those who are like oh mage tower is a challenge… do you really think any timewalking dungeons are challenging? or even the TW raids? NO because it was meant to have fun and experience it. This should not be more tuned than when it was current content? Why not make legion leggos active during this? Just some ideas and ranting here! I got Kruul to 17% lets keep trying at this madness!
All specs have cleared mt.
The achievement is for doing the Mage Tower now, not back in Legion.
I hope this helps!
Wasnt there an achievement given in legion for completing MT ? I think it was under the order hall fighting with style or something like that .
Your other point is very right that these are overtuned in extreme ways . I hope it gets some nerfs
What did they lie about?
All specs cleared mythic Sylvanas so they are all clearly fine.
The title to this thread is what I was thinking, except to add:
(another) Mage Tower (thread)… WHY
i just beat this game. time to go uninstall~
but really, the mage tower was a lot of fun. managed to get my fel bear. it was hard but doable. i must have had well over 100 attempts. and even when i wasn’t attempting it, i was dreaming it… mostly shadowlands gear. granted they have korthia sockets. and a lot of them have speed on it. mechagon trinket. *and accidently a random pvp trinket which amounts to a stat stick instead of my defensive shield trinket. legion artifact weapon. kadagr gloves. and prob 100k-200k in consumables for all those attempts
the warebear was supposed to be exclusive
Still is! You can’t get those colorations anymore. The cat model for the MT wasn’t a unique model. Only the sparkle animation colors were. Which is why they didn’t bring that back. Druids got their unique cat form from the hidden appearance and still can. They gave us a model, not the colorations.
I can’t tell what their mad at. Is it because they didn’t get a special hat to wear saying how cool they are for doing all of the MTs? Or because it was difficult and should be more like other content so that more people can get it and make the hat mean that much less?
As a person who has gotten both original werebear and monster energy werebear, im happy to see more werebears in the world. (mind you this feels like a complaint from someone that got old werebear and doesnt want the challenge of getting the new recolor)
Like, whats knocking you out in phase 2?
Yes…? Don’t know or care what point you making but in a scaled challenge with all the gear and consumables accessible to everyone, yes they are clearly fine because every spec has cleared it.
There is no “top 1% meta comp” in mage tower that consists of needing 4 boomkins for x or 3 dks for y, so try again.
It’s good they brought back the bear in another color, else this nonsense of druids being mad and annoyed would last for another decade. Tho it’s annoying that they did not bring a recolor for each weapon but hey… can’t have it all as druids clearly were the loudest regarding MT.
ehhh debatable. Im glad i got it dont get me wrong, my druid wasnt my main back in legion so i missed out. But i’d love to have the originals, mostly the sparkle kittys because im a feral main. I’d gladly trade the felbear for a sparkle kitty
Not quite sure what you are actually complaining about.
Yes, they said originally (and continued to say for some time) that the Mage Tower was a limited event and would not be coming back. So are you saying they are bad because they listened to their players and made it available again? I thought removing content was generally considered to be a Bad Thing?
Or are you saying its an overtuned challenge? Well…so some people say.
Then you say:
These are all group activities. The point of the Challenge (as also happened with the Warlock Green fire challenge and the Proving Ground challenges) was that you had to do it alone. Hence the challenge, because you cant be carried through it. Again, many would say that is a good thing for the game.
I get you are ranting but it all seems rather unclear. There is an achievement from the original; its called 'feeling satisfied with your gaming because you successfully completed it". A game doesnt have to provide some reward for every single thing - sometimes just doing something hard and beating the game is its own reward.
Humans have managed to run 100 meters in 9.58 seconds (Bolt). Now let me see you do that, scrub.
And I have a goldfish.
Mt still needs more tuning.
The Mage Tower shouldn’t be as hard as a Mythic raid boss lol
Paladin flail.