Mage Tower too difficult? Boycott it

I will agree velen sucks. But you just need to find a way around him. I got rng a couple of time where he spawn the orb underneath me. But he’s always been that bad even the original MT challenge.

They’re allowed to do whatever they want, but pleasing their customers is core to their revenue stream. Happy Whales buy store mounts. Unhappy Whales throw tantrums on reddit.

Don’t make spoiled rich kids frustrated if you want to keep them on the hook. :man_shrugging:

And this isn’t a you problem because ableism? You want a cookie while you’re assuming I don’t have any limitations of my own? The difference between us is that I don’t blame the game for my failures and eventually overcome them.

Would you like to throw anymore snowflake words at me while we’re here?


I am not part of the top 1%


Then you are the reason they added LFR in cataclysm. something that you may have failed to notice is that other players exist in this Massively Multiplayer Online game.

how is skipping the easy part of the game a free win? you also don’t get your free level boost with a regular sub, only when you buy an expansion.

sure, you can argue that wrath was easier, because it had naxx 10/25. It also gave us Yogg-0 and Heroic LK. 2 of the hardest raid bosses in the games history. Dungeons were easier, because they were meant to get you into naxx10 or naxx25, which were re-hashes of a raid from vanilla.

if you think world quests are hard, you’re actually hopeless

ummmmmm what? I’ll grant that LFR is not the full raid experience, but normal is by definition. Heroic and Mythic are just we added some extra stuff for those who think normal is too easy and want extra challenge.

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I’m just going to assume you have no answer to this. I’m enjoying the buzzwords used in improper context though, what’s next?

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Stop gaslighting me, ableist.

Stop calling me names, emotionally fragile individual who cannot take responsibility for theirself.


Sir, this is an Arby’s.

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Finally, the truth is revealed. I’ve appreciated every meme you’ve linked so far.


Sure but this isn’t some major patch content, it’s a time walking event lol.

Then it should be no more challenging than a time walking event.

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I realise that the MT is part of the current event. but the real time walking event is the old dungeons and M+ keys associated with those dungeons. The MT is the challenging part of the current patch.


This is how I feel as well, but I’m starting to slowly, inevitably, sadly come to the conclusion that for me, WoW and fun no longer go together.

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timewalking describes the nature of the event, not the difficulty


The difficulty should be low.

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the difficulty is decent. You’re just bad

Boycotting means don’t do MT. Listen did you know that cicadas have been known to confuse the roar of power tools for mating calls and sometimes swarm people using lawn mowers? Now you do.

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okay. that’s an opinion. some people might not agree.