Mage Tower - The Current Issues with an old expansion feature

Of course by March we’ll probably have 9.2 and whatever hot mess that turns out to be so Mage Tower may not even be on Blizz’s radar at that point lol.

I probably should to see how much different the specs feel with the full set bonus on the off chance Blizz lets us use them. In all honesty I hope to have all the Druid specs done before it leaves in January so I don’t have to think about it again lol.

You apparently don’t know GD that well then.

That’s kind of a bad argument because it will always be farmable. Even a 2% drop chance is still a drop chance. Not to mention the fact that aside from being farmable, the bosses get nerfed hard as our character levels increase expansion after expansion - meanwhile the Mage Tower scales, there is no outleveling it.

That’s a funny thing to say when quarter after quarter, Blizzard is reporting a steady decline accross the board in MAU accross all its properties.

People are, in fact, leaving.

Wow… this is like Hot Fuzz ‘Romeo and Juliet’ levels of drama, lol

I generally agree with that suggestion, however, I don’t think this idea would go over very well with GD’ers/casuals… they would scream bloody murder.

Logically, recolored T20 sets “should” be a sufficient reward for a watered-down LFR/easy-mode difficulty… but of course, you can’t reason with GD’ers and redditors :joy:

A reasonable player might say “hey why don’t you practice the encounter mechanics on LFR Mage Tower before taking a crack at the hardcore/elite difficulty?” but nooooo, instead everyone is all “i want everything for free RIGHT NOW, gimme gimme gimme!” :laughing:

The game is 17 years old, attrition comes with with age. The people complaining have been here for years based on their achievement history. If I have learned anything from my time playing wow, it is that many folks make a lot of noise but don’t carry a big stick.

The MT isn’t going to make a significant bump or decline in subscriptions.

Keywords : “All Properties”.

WoW is a single game.

Well it’s certainly not going to reverse the trend either with that attitude.

It is just a hunch, but I don’t think changing the MT is going to right the Activison-Blizzard ship?

This one’s easy; not all players are the same skill level.

Even for the “infamous” Felbear challenge, there is a very very VERY wide range of # of attempts depending on the player… some posters on here got it down in less than 50 wipes, others are 600+ wipes in. NerftankTV got it down on day 1 of the release with about 23 attempts (pre-nerf and with Shadowlands gear).

For me personally it took between 75-80 attempts for the Felbear challenge, and this is despite already knowing the fight from doing it back in Legion :laughing: I get it, it’s simply a hard encounter.

Totally. Every “bring back the Mage Tower” thread from the past few years should have been labeled “bring back the Bro Bear”.

Blizzard to players: “Look at all this content we have coming for you in 9.1.5! Legion timewalking! Do mythic+ in Legion dungeons! Do the mage tower for new rewards!”

Blizzard to each other: “We can’t let those filthy casuals who resubbed for this actually complete the mage tower. Let’s test an easier version and then implement a harder one to put them in their place and show them that they don’t deserve this.”

Average player on finding out what happened: “What the heck is this bait and switch?” Massive outrage follows.

Blizzard to each other: “Wait, why are all these players unsubbing? Who could have imagined a last minute change to make it much harder followed by player nerfs would result in players unsubbing?”

[Moment of silence, because anybody who was paying attention should have known this would be the exact result.]

Blizzard: “Let’s let forum trolls tell them they were never intended to do that content! That always works!”

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I like the part where y’all are just convinced people are unsubbing because you can’t beat the mage tower.

Meanwhile, there’s a huge party at the tower round the clock and people air dancing on books in formation over it all.

Tbh, it’s a skill issue.