Mage tower status?

Scaling doesn’t really matter. It’s a lot easier with the new talent trees than it was in Shadow Lands because you have a lot more tools. The most important thing is doing the dance sequence correctly. No gear is going to let you just overpower it and ignore the mechanics.

No it absolutely will because you get to completely skip entire phases of the fight.

Which one do shadow priests get?

The twins.

Boomie, MM, Frostmage, Afflock, SP.

If you get a timewalking gear set a rune won’t even spawn before it’s dead.

The fight in TWW regular gear is already about a minute shorter than it was in SL.

Oh yea, it was hilariously easy

I made a few spriests attempts without and basically got bodies cuz I legit didn’t know the class or fight

Got the gear, did it in like 3 more attempts

It was trivialized so much

Meanwhile I was trying to do it with less and less gear :stuck_out_tongue: trying to see later points of the fight so I could map them out for people.

I really think the SL Mage Tower for Shadow was one of the best pieces of solo content bliz ever made. Because Shadow’s toolkit is so… Sparse yet powerful. You had no redundancy and every decision you made impacted your ability to complete it.

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I did that with aff lock in m+ gear in shadowlands. It was the second one I did on my way to the book. I assumed they had the worm one. In that case, yeah. More damage is more better.

They recently made TW scale up to you, and with it some major scaling changes. Didn’t take much notice if Mage Tower scales up or down though.

I done TW on the re-release the first time in SL, it was hard, real hard, but I got the guardian one done with some 400 tries. Came back during DF and got my mount done, it was super easy.

But then I decided recently I would do the remainder to get them all done, that was not happening, the scaling changes they have done have made it damn near impossible again and since I have the mount, I really can’t be bothered to farm out better TW gear and put in the time and effort to get them done.

The last one I tried was for BM hunter, I gave it a couple of tries, and mind you I used to main BM and my first character I started was a hunter made all the way back in Classic. I also used to mythic raid and get KSM/KSH every season and all that jazz, I am no slouch, but damn, I got punted.

And I didn’t die due to mechanics either, I know all about the ice trap and intimidation tricks and all that, but the numbers just were not adding up. Maybe 600+ iLVL isn’t enough and I need to go 630+, or wait until S2 or S3, because as it stands unless you go HAM on old world TW gear, pots, flasks and all that like it was back in SL, it’s really just not worth the effort right now.

I thought the BM one was the easiest of the ones I did, and I don’t main the class at all. I think it took me <5 tries. I did it in shadowlands and like all of them, no special gear. Just learning the encounters and did them in m+ gear.

The one that gave the most fits was the ret pally one actually. I think mostly because I dislike the spec and it was my last one, so I was getting antsy. The Kruul one on my bear also gave me issues, but wasn’t nearly as frustrating.

Did you do it on the first release when they said it was going to be time limited, or later in the expansion? You should also try it now and see how much harder it is.

I did it as soon as it was available in shadowlands. I wanted that book mount, so I spent my downtime going through all the challenges. In order,

Bear Druid
Aff lock
Elemental shaman
Holy Pally
BM hunter
Frost DK
Ret Pally

I largely missed the legion one, I didn’t play that expansion. I only came back for the Druid ones at the very end because I saw a video for it on YouTube, and I didn’t get the resto one, even. That one was hard, I did it on quest gear and without the legendaries the guide said you needed, so that difficulty was largely my own fault. I did the bear one, and used my leftover currency to get Moonkin and then Feral. Both easy by comparison to the tank one. I tried the resto one once or twice, but I didn’t feel like farming currency again.

Remind me please, what was the final phase? Was that after the brother’s been frozen/ jailed / subdued twice? I’d still have to shut down the one-shot nightmare thing still right?

Currently harder than it was for most of legion, bring back the weapons.

I have not seen a single person discuss it being fixed/changed post pre patch so its still in that state.

But its definitely doable regardless.

It depends… If you are still scaled down, you can get some very OP items that will help you trivialize a lot of it.

If you are scaled up to lvl 80 or something like the rest of the timewalking changes… idk.

P1: Karam Chasing
P2: Burn Raest + Adds
P3: Karam Chasing + Hands
P4: Raest Burn + Hands + Rune at the end
P5: Karam + Raest + Hands + Runes + Adds

Now you can comfortably kill Raest without Karam getting up a second time.

That sounds incredibly easy!? Run from the brother during the first phase and then just burn Raest? Tank and spank til he’s dead? Ignore all other mechanics?

If you can do the damage yes, which is possible.

You can kill it before any runes spawn.

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If you’re thinking of the 7.3 ilvl 950+ version of the mage tower as normal, then no.

This is closer to the 7.2, ilvl 910 version of the mage tower.

I have never healed before making my shaman and have recently hit level 80 on shaman. Any tips or tricks for healing mage tower on resto shaman would be great.

It’s the last one I need to complete.