Mage tower rewards?

The patch update describes the reward for completing the mage tower challenge as “Legion-themed transmogrification”.

Does anyone know if we’re talking about a new legion-styled transmogrification? Or are we talking about the same legion weapon skins they gave as a reward back during legion when you beat the mage tower?

A quick Google search will answer those questions.


It’s just ToS class set recolors. That’s the reward.


Don’t forget the fel bear! :stuck_out_tongue:

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And a book mount!


the weapons won’t come back. they are talking about the class hall gear i believe via Legion BUT it’s different colors. not entirely sure if it’s exactly from legion but i know it’s basically recolored old tier sets. the only legion themed one i know of is the bear form.

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Legion mage tower weapon skins are no longer obtainable

Yeah the skins that were introduced in legion through MT are not gonna be in the upcoming MT . There will be recolors of TOS set and TOS sets were recolor of BLACK TEMPLE sets and a fel werebear and if complete 7 challenges then you cfan get a mount . Its the same mount that was competing with slime cat and tree mount .

Just recolors of armor sets not everyone liked.

There’s the Felbear and armor recolors. Then there’s the hunter armor. It’s like they all got drunk and someone challenged the art team to make even uglier hunter armor.

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yea it is locked behind 7 different fights i think? i also believe some specs share the same fight as well so have to look into that.

the good thing is the MT challenges are set for skills not gear so even if your gear sucks if you have the skill set to beat it you can. it will of course be harder/longer but doable which has been proven via vids since legion. nor is anything really required outside of spells given to you such as drums or potions, etc…

Yes, you need to complete all 7 challenges across your account to get the Mount. At a minimum, that requires 3 different classes.

People will most likely be doing druid for guardian so it will cover Tank, Healer, imp mother and twins. Just need two more classes to cover xylem, wormy and sig. Rogue and hunter for instance.

hopefully this isn’t like a limited time thing so people can actually get the book given yea it’s via TW but hopefully people can level alts or what not.

Well it comes out in December then I believe it only comes back during legion tw.

A lot of people want the tw rotation changed (or always time walking something) and I agree.

Otherwise you’ll only get 2-3 chances a year

2nd dec and it will be up for 14 days after that i think next tim eit will come up in 4 months or something like that . I truly hope its tuned properly as i m dying to get that fel werebear skin :slight_smile: