Mage Tower Color that relies on Rated BG wins should get an update

Hey there!

Just wanted to point out that with Rated BG’s changing, we still have a mage tower artifact skin unlock being “10 rated battleground wins”. As many of you know, as long as you unlocked the mage tower skin, we’ve been able to continue to unlock the rest of the color variations this entire time.

Will this be updated to 10 Battleground blitz wins in the future? Does this actually work with BG Blitz right now?


It does not, but you will be able to que for RBGs next xpac so hopefully that counts


You’ll be able to queue for rated bgs in TWW so it should be easier.


It would be nice if rated Battleground Blitz or whatever they will call it would count. Unfortunately, it wouldn’t surprise me if they continue to make it count only in regular RBGs, though.

i hope to get it in WW through the queue of RBGs

ret paladin one is super wonderful


Yes, yes it does. The requirement was significantly more than any other artifact recolor.

It needs to be made Random BGs.


no, it should remain as rated battlegrounds - hopefully not allow the new solo queue rated battlegrounds count towards it.

if you can just solo queue into rated battlegrounds for the mage tower weapon tint, then you would be getting it significantly easier than others have in the past and it would trivialize the effort that they put into it.

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Except right now you can solo the other 2 tints in literally 5 minutes.

The difficulty is long passed.

Also, mage tower tints have to be earned on the toon that earned the appearance - so I’d have to level AND gear my level 54 druid, I couldn’t use my 70 druid.

It needs to be random bgs.


Well, BG blitz is currently not rated.

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Rofl its a game dude. Lol trivialize. Who cares? Whens the last time you even notice someone is rocking the mage tower rbg appearance.

Probably never cause no one cares at this point

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I’d add the one that requires mythic+ too. That shouldn’t be a moving goalpost, it should have just been changed to doing all the Legion mythics.


That was Balance of Power, and it was originally supposed to be removed after Legion, but they kept it in, and simply required the M+15 achievement.

(Honestly, with the M+ revamp, that might not be available anymore now)

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The quest was “Does battleground blitz” count. And the answer is no it does not


Not so simple now and should be changed.


no it does not “need” to be random bgs… you merely “want” it to be random bgs because you don’t want to put in the same amount of work that everyone else did.

You’re full of it. You can one shot kiljaden and the dungeon bosses now. I have the 10rbg on some of my characters but it should be changed now to be as trivial as the other 2 are.

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At least not yet, since BGBlitz is not yet rated. I wouldn’t be surprised if it starts counting when Blitz becomes rated in TWW S1.

I will because “Rated Battleground” is spelled nothing like “BGBlitz”

BGBlitz was introduced as a test for soloqueue rated BGs, just like how solo shuffle was at the end of SL.

k but its still not “Rated battleground”