Mage Tower Artifact Appearances

I’m sure this has been discussed before. But I wish they’d bring in some recolors for these. And I’m not just saying this because I missed out on the Mage Tower cause computer and financial issues stopped me from playing a month before MT was released. There’s also the fact that, they gave guardian druids a new werebear recolor in it, but completely ignore the fact that feral druids exist as well and spend 90% of their time in cat form as well. That feels a bit favoritism to me, giving guardian druids a recolor of the appearance they got from the MT, but ignoring feral druid as a whole. This does lead into the fact they picked this one specific form to give a recolor, and just ignored every other class in the game outside giving them a recolor of raid armor we can already get in the game

I would like to have certain appearances, like the one for Affliction Warlock, Elemental Shaman, and both Protection Warrior and Paladin


they already brought back all the tcg mounts might as well add mage tower and challenge mode stuff

I didn’t know they brought back the tcg mounts. I heard the tcg was long discontinued

I have every mage tower artifact ( couldnt raid for a tier with odd shift work)

I can say new mage tower is harder then last patch mage tower. I believe if you do content of similar or greater difficulty you should get the same rewards.

I would also be alright with people who get all 10s in wod and mop mythic plus to get the old CM gear.

Edit: just my opinion though


I’ve tried the mage tower with my best class and it wiped the floor with me cause I had no clue what I was doing. From what others have told me it is indeed harder than it was in Legion, but they also said that people could just brute force it with late expansion gear since it was released in the middle of Legion.

They should have never removed them, was one of the easiest things to do “challenge” wise since you could just brute force them during antorious because you were so overgeared for them

Not really comparable things

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shadowlands mage tower was quite challenging, yes - that same mage tower in Dragonflight with updated talents, quite easy.

your incandescent essence functions in the mage tower and every class has a lot more baseline dmg and utility than they did in shadowlands.

an example of this is that prot paladins now have divine toll as part of their talent builds and can use it in the mage whereas covenant abilities such as divine toll were not allowed in the mage tower during shadowlands.

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I’m over here finally working on getting the appearances for the Balance of Power quest chain, using my druid since she’s the farthest along, and i still have to do some rep grinding on her. after that, the only appearances i have to get on all my classes is the pvp ones and finish getting some of the hiddens. but otherwise, i’m missing the MT ones. and as i stated, several of the MT appearnaces are ones i REALLY want

Its easier then when it was first released in legion. Harder then the tail end.

I probably also just don’t know the mechanics of it well since I tried it on my tauren shaman first and got pummeled (I was ele spec), and I kinda don’t want to look up how to do them.

Still wish it gave us the MT appearances, or they at least added in recolors of those appearances. Cause they did it for werebear druids, but no one else

Beaten to death. It is now the atoms of the dust of the bones of a dead horse. lol

Keep in mind, Bear MT appearance is a unique model. Cat MT appearance is just the base Artifact appearance with sparkles. It’s not a unique model. The unique one for Feral was the hidden appearance.

That being said, remodels/recolors of the MT appearances seems fine to me. Makes sense.


I understand that, I have the owlcat form (that was such a pain to get, having to check the dream every day). But I would very much have liked the ghost cat form as well, cause i try to have my druids use different forms (my night elf uses the owlcat, my worgen is the fire cat from Firelands, and my tauren is the one i would like the ghost cat form on)

Then you understand why they didn’t add the cat form. They added the unique model. Cat wasn’t unique. That’s all I’m saying.

Still doesn’t explain why, for every class, they just decided to give recolors of mythic raid sets you can still get. Honestly, I prefer the colors of the originals over the recolors in the new MT. So I just never bothered trying to get any of them.

And I don’t mind running the Legion raids for the originals, because it also gives me other transmogs I haven’t collected yet, plus the non-classbound versions of other class armors

The entire explanation was laid out as to why the weapon appearances did not return, but the unique bear form did.

But as I said, I see no reason why remodels/recolors can’t start being a thing.

I just want them. Cause it wasn’t even a matter of me getting bored or anything halfway through Legion that stopped me from playing and therefore missing out on them. It was computer issues and financial trouble I was having at the time.

I couldn’t even get back into World of Warcraft until partway into Shadowlands, when I finally got a new computer and was financially stable to play again

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