Mage Tower after 50 tries

I do believe that if a challenge for the current expansion requires you to go through vaults of expansions and make a set only for that challenge with pieces of several different expansion JUST to do it, it may be overtuned. It should be a challenge for the guy hopping on the train with full returning gear from korthia or similar.

I really dont wanna make a timewalking gear.

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Agreed. I completed the monk WW challenge only because I had Edicts of the Faithless and Riftworld codex. The constant damage just was absurd without it. If you need to do legacy content to even pass the thing I don’t understand why we can’t use our toys from previous expansions. (HoA, legiondaries etc)

That is just excuses, it can be done without “cheesing” it. On my mage my only non shadowlands gear were 2 old rings because they had a gem slot on them.

Sure, if you have some old gear with some gems slot or the neck with 3 stats go for it, but it wont break or make the challenge.

“It can be done without cheesing, I know because I did it by cheesing it”

I did BDK this weekend without any TW gear.


If people really care, don’t want to “git gud”, and don’t want to buy TW gear, they can just wait until 10.0 when we’ll have stuff like Convoke and other cracked abilities built into the class, and be able to have 10 extra levels worth of abilities etc.

I got my book and never picked up any “tw” gear. I just did it in m+ gear.

I think it’s a placebo affect. People get the gear and it makes them think they can, so their play improves.


Pretty sure that meta socket is big, even with 2 less ilevel.

According to what I see on wowhead, ilevel 50 helms (without sockets) have 14 mainstat, 21 stam, and 28-29 secondary stat.

So basically, you ‘lose’ 4 mainstat, 1 stam, and 4 secondary stat [after considering the socket bonus], but you get a meta socket and a socket.

Hrm… best meta gem I could really find gives like 3 mainstat and 3% more crit effect (Agile, Burning, Reverberating Primal Diamond) or 3 crit and 3% more crit effect (Chaotic Shadowspirit Diamond). Make of that what you will.

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Using gear with gems is not cheesing it, especially last tier where you could get the item from farming mobs in the maw for 1 hour.

5 month nerco