Rune of Power / Incanter’s Flow positioning feels terrible.
Love it or hate it, RoP is essentially mandatory due to the sheer amount of damage increase. RoP (or IF in a pinch) has become a core part of our class, so long as it exists.
However, its dependencies are Slow (boring), Spellsteal (boring), Remove Curse (boring), Cone of Cold (ughhh), and Shatter (I’m not frost). How does any of this relate to RoP?
It was here when I was looking at this tree and got sinking feeling that Blizzard gave us exactly what they thought we were asking for: Talent trees with dependencies and cookie-cutter builds, inspired by the trees of yore.
Seeing this base class tree, I’m starting to wonder if the current (Cata - SL) talent system wasn’t better in one major way: No dependencies. You don’t have to choose talents you’d much rather just not have in order to fulfill a requirement for a good one down the tree.
I realize it’s far too late now to start questioning the entire talent tree system, and I’m trying to be open-minded and even optimistic about this change. I just have this serious concern that this entire system has taken the talents and abilities we know, and shuffled everything around and forced them into trees with thematically nonsensical dependencies.
Again, what does Rune of Power have to do with Slow and Spellsteal? These are utility abilities, of much more use in PvP than PvE. Why do we have a core PvE talent relying on them?
My constructive advice is this:
The class talents, as with the spec talents, need thematic dependencies. Look at Classic talents. You only had direct dependencies on thematically similar talents, and the rest was simply a numbers requirement (X number of points in Y tree required).
This system takes the tree methodology to the extreme and feels like a dependency nightmare.
Anyway, this is my initial gut reaction. I’m hoping that this gets shuffled around a bit more and that these dependencies and choices make more sense to me in the future.
I will say, on the positive side as an Arcane mage (currently) that the Arcane Harmony playstyle appears to still be viable. Though this does beg the question whether or not this will become the only way to play Arcane (versus the traditional burn/conserve rotation).