Mage race concern (alliance)

I was gonna roll hunter but decided to try a mage out, everything ive read said gnome is the best, but i REALLY dont wanna play a gnome and would prefer to roll human… is the race difference that massive that i would get less of a chance at raid spots because im a human mage vs a gnome mage, ive read people can be really picky about things like this, does anyone have exp on the matter? Im semi new to Wow as a whole but BRAND new to classic.


Only idiot guilds care about that. There are plenty of human mages out there. Having more int at this point is negligible.


ok, i just would hate to level all the way to 60 and get shunned because of my race lol thanks a lot.

Human reputation bonus is :ok_hand:


5% intellect is marginal at best, even when considering how percentages stack with buffs.

humans have so many perks in the original triology of wow, that most alliance guilds will understand why their players want to roll them. some may even insist because rep grinds for bis, are faster on humans.

draenei will likely be the only race locked into a class in tbc, because they are that good.

intellect is arguably the worst stat in the game, item budget wise. definitely dont pick gnome because of having 5% more of the worst scaling stat.

Human mage dance ftw.

Humans have awesome tbc traits. Youll be fine.

Queue Ironchain/Rautaketju showing us sims of Gnome mages in comparison to Humans.

You pick gnome for the Aesthetics. The extra int is ignoreable.

Escape artist is also decent.

But mostly it’s so you can have the best voice in the game.

that’s a weird way to spell “worst”

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Choo choo, chugga chugga chugga chugga choo choo

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This game doesn’t require OCD levels of min-maxing to complete content, by any stretch of the imagination. So, relax & try to have some fun.


Gnomes are the superior choice, but not everyone can handle this much awesome.

Don’t feel bad going Human. Play what makes you happy.

Of course its not you cant listen to the min maxers. They will overflow your ears. Back in the day people just plyed what they want, and today you should just play what you want. Go human mage. Always play what you want. Obviously there are tons of human mages.