With a majority of this expansion seemingly taking place in the Shadowlands, how relevant are Mage portals going to be as a perk or utility for mages? Seems if you were basing some of your thoughts on maining a mage due to teleport convenience, it might not be that big of a bonus. Yea?
Imo ports will always be a fantastic perk and i miss them like crazy when playing other toons, but it should never be the basis for class choice over more combat related perks (of which mage still has plenty).
Yea when I play this Hunter or any other class I really miss teleporting around… I think lots of class abilities could be used as a basis for choosing them, combat shouldn’t be the only measure.
Mage protals/teleports haven’t been that important since WoD when we got the garrison hearth and spent the majority of our time there. They’re still sort of useful (eg: setting your hearth to the other end of Dazaralor because stupid flight paths) but nothing compared to the old days.
I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing. On one hand, it was great being able to get to more places in the open world but on the other you’d get PMs from randoms demanding a port to whichever city.
I guess in SL we’ll use the port to whatever the new city is and we can then set our hearth to the covenant daily hubs.
I strongly disagree… Ports have been great for the Nyalotha stuff and are great for getting around while farming mogs and old raids. I also never have anyone whisper me for a port, I’m sure it happens but not to me.
Ports are always nice - people may not need them to get to their main capital (Org/SW) or the capital of the expansion since people set their hearths in the expansions current hub and that hub has some portals - but there are portals that people benefit from them at various times. Ancient dala is really close to some winterveil quests as well as a good way to get to certain places Alliance has no real close teleport for. Legion dala is a great port because some people don’t have the hearthstone and only want to do one thing there briefly without doing the intro. There’s Stonard/Theramore for more utility - Vale of Eternal Blossoms was a good one in 8.3 since the Pandaria portal puts you in the Jade Forest. Portals may rise and fall in relevancy but they will NEVER be irrelevant.
they should be free
we dont know whats going to happen come 9.1 or 9.2 blizz likes to reuse old zones for events and whatnot.
I love this. I used to repeatedly get guildies with this all the time. Some karma just bit me the other day - went to port to northrend dal for the icecrown stuff and went afk, came back dead in the crater because I picked the wrong port lol.
hehe yeah you have to be careful not to fall for it yourself.