Was wondering if any other mages weren’t able to open their portal tab?
I can open my tab, but it opens to the right - which means I cannot see anything that opens.
I had to move my Teleport and Portal bars to my bottom bars (instead of my side bars) just to be able to get them to open.
Same here. It’s related to ElvUI I believe. If I disable ElvUI I’m able to open the tab. With ElvUI enabled, no matter if I put the portal/teleport button on the right action bars or on the bottom ones, the arrow always shows it would open upwards but it does not open. It appears to be reported here: https://github.com/tukui-org/ElvUI/issues/418
I’m not even using Elv… I’m using the new blizzard UI and everything wants to go right - which is just straight irritating
It’s like that with the basic UI before the Dragonflight UI, too.
Couldn’t place my spells on the right action bars because the tab opened right so I stuck 'em on Action Bar 2 to tuck them out of the way.
I’ve tried all my bars and nothing has been working :’(
It’s a bartender bug it looks like. If you have bartender disable it and try it again.
Confirmed Bartender, thanks for all your replies <3
Not having any trouble using the basic UI.
The only way I can use my teleport is to open the spell book and use it from there. A bit inconvenient if you’re in a hurry but at least that works.
*Edit: I use ElvUI, not Bartender, so it’s clearly not a Bartender problem.
Happens with both BT and ElvUI.
The mod author for Bartender4 has already mentioned that this bug with the “flyout menus” not working has been due to a restriction in WoW API since the update. It’s hard to fix a problem when the option to do so is being limited by the developers.
I encourage everyone experiencing this bug to get the word out there to the devs so that it can be seen and addressed since there are still many who prefer their current interface.
I dont use Elv or BT at this point, and I still can only get the portal and teleport tabs to open to the right (no matter what Bliz UI bar I put them on). Since I usually have them on the right side of my screen in 2 vertical bars, it’s rather annoying I have to move them to a place where they dont belong.
I can move them back to where they belong at times, and it will say it will open to the left (which is what theyve done for years), but the moment I zone into another area - it flips back to the right.
While it is not game breaking, it is incredibly annoying
I submitted a bug report earlier this week about this issue, but I just noticed that the portal bar opens in different directions depending on where you are. For instance, my right-bar portals opened left in Orgrimmar, but are opening right while in Oribos and therefore can’t be clicked.
Have been having this issue with the stock UI, No elvUI or Bartender installed so clearly another addon. Not sure what’s going on.
I do not use addons and putting the the teleport and Portal on the right hand side bars makes them open to the right and then not usable. I had to put them in the other bars. After all these years I cant stand them being there
Since 10.0 pre-patch I can’t open warlock pets, mage portals, hunter pets or pet utilities from the tabs on my action bars.
I must open my spell book each and every time I need to use them.
I have used ElvUI for over a decade flawlessly, and have tried 4 different action bar addons to test out what people were saying here, and it has nothing to do with the addons, it’s a blizzard UI problem.
Also, every time I log in or out, change character, or /reload UI, the dragon flight UI objective tracker pops up on my screen with gigantic text and I have to hit escape, then edit every single time I want it to go away. I want my old objective tracker back without this new UI element forcing it on my screen.
We should be able to have the option of reverting back before this UI was made, or completely delete it from our user interface permanently.
If this UI isn’t removable before Dragon flight comes out, it will be a real game changer for me. And I’ve pre-purchased Dragon Flight for both accounts, and this is enough of an inconvenience to warrant a refund for both.
I was happy for vanilla players to get an updated UI, but I now understand why a lot of people are pissed off with it.
I use Dominos, which contrary to people saying that the addon dev wasn’t going to update for DF, they did in fact update it. The standard Blizzard UI, even after the rework, still just does not meet my action bar needs in order to play the game the way I enjoy/prefer playing it.
The error I get (and presuming others are getting as well) has to do with the Frame Layout XML calling the “Flyout.lua” variable, which is on Blizzard’s UI end, not an addon. I did attempt no addons at all, and still get the error on my Warlock when calling demons, on my Hunter when calling pets, and trying to use Portal or Teleport on my Mage. I have one Shaman that I rarely play, but the error might be the same when calling totems, I’m not sure (not yet tested). It’s NOT an addon problem.
Calling these spells from the Spell Book works, but it is extremely inconvenient and diminishes the “quality of life” during play. Was a HUGE pain trying to call Warlock demons back during Alterac Valley Korrak’s Revenge!
Here is the error pasted from my Mage when trying to click on Teleport from my action bar, MINUS the list of every addon installed (as mentioned, I disabled all addons before and still get this error).
Date: 2022-11-16 14:34:51
ID: 43
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: Interface/FrameXML/SpellFlyout.lua line 240:
attempt to call method ‘GetSpellFlyoutDirection’ (a nil value)
[string “=[C]”]: GetSpellFlyoutDirection()
[string “@Interface/FrameXML/SpellFlyout.lua”]:240: Toggle()
[string “@Interface/FrameXML/SecureTemplates.lua”]:361: handler()
[string “@Interface/FrameXML/SecureTemplates.lua”]:690:
[string “@Interface/FrameXML/SecureTemplates.lua”]:704:
[string “@Interface/FrameXML/SecureTemplates.lua”]:746: SecureActionButton_OnClick()
[string “@Interface/FrameXML/ActionButton.lua”]:1152:
[string “=[C]”]: ?
BlizRuntimeLib_enUS v10.0.2.100002
Thank you! I have been having the same issue and I started questioning my own experiences because they kept changing and I couldn’t figure out when or how. Going to submit a report because nothing has changed and it’s not listed as a known issue anywhere.
I’ve heard in a few random places all the fly out menus are messed up currently (so mage portal, warlock demon summoning, etc) in regards to putting them on bars. Fingers crossed - they’ll figure out a fix at some point