I’m going to reroll a small character, like Vulpera or Gnome… and love the idea of playing one of these classes. I’ve played both to mid level or so. I’m not sold on being ‘range only’ and fairly open. I’m very casual so it isn’t a matter of DPS rankings. I suppose my main question is - how do the two compare in terms of soloing? I do enjoy Torghast at a basic level but found Spriest to be god awful inside. I also enjoy doing random BGs and low level mythics.
Healing is fun to me, but not something that I need - so if I did a pure DPS class, I wouldn’t be bored in that way.
Anyone have any thoughts in between the two? Mage, visually, seems very pretty but I’m a bit concerned about the squishiness and perhaps higher skill level as a frost mage in BGs (but admittedly haven’t done much on them).
It really really REALLY depends on the spec you want to choose. When I started my mage, I started with frost. Its pretty decent since my enemy has a hard time getting close to me in melee range.
Arcane is my favorite because it requires the user to know how much mana to spend along with the arcane charges. That being said… it can be a bit complicated, but the end result if fruitful. Oh, and because of Aluneth. My beloved Arcane staff. You REALLY want that guy. Compliments you and insults your enemies. Win-win!
Fire… is not good at low levels. The higher you scale, the slower it becomes. My only recommendation is roll fire when you start Mythic Dunguneering. Right now, the fire mage is “S” tier.
Loving the replies! My preconception is that mages in BGs can be effective in terms of kiting but perhaps are easy prey if on the more casual side as a player? Could anyone comment? Some of the PVP talents sound fun, but I’ve done some BGing on my shaman recently and I could see how I’d get blown up really easily as a mage… hahaha.
All I know is that mage isn’t as much fun. Monks can do all three roles, they can roll in, open up a can of whoop-@$$, and zen fly away. They can fish whilst meditating on a cloud and they can always heal themselves. They have a cool theme, and in PvP, Spinning Crane Kick is OP. From what I hear, you can keep it going almost indefinitely and it does considerable damage.
Being a mage is like working for Frito-Lay, everybody wants your snacks but they don’t respect you. You don’t really do anything but gesture. Like, what if magic got mad at you one day? What would you even do? As a monk, your power can never abandon you. You would have to become paralyzed from the neck down, and even then, a skilled monk can mind-over-matter out of paralysis.
One of those YMMV things, but I almost just can’t with mages. It’s weird, I play every class, but mage just has never really clicked for me. So, I’d say monk out of the two. But that’s just me.
I will say my vulpera mage is adorable though. Visually I might pick vulpera mage over monk, unless the monk has Faeline Stomp. Love using that on my vulpera monk.
Long story short, all I can suggest for sure is vulpera.