Mage nerf needed in pvp

I think its time blizzard sits down and actually addresses how over powered they have made mage. The class can literally 1 shot in that silly little AoE stun, alongside high instant damage pressure outside of their burst.

You have the technology blizzard, separate pvp changes and pve changes please.


mage as a class isnt even that highly represented in rated pvp what are you on. Fire and arcane are both dead last specs in representation with outlaw in all game modes, frost is near the top end but its not god tier anymore now that ele and hunters are god tier and priest is still strong which are huge counters.

If i look at 2.2k+ in all pvp game modes mage is below priest,druid,hunter,rogue,evoker,pally,monk and warlock in representation. The only classes its above is DK warrior shaman and DH. Its not god tier anymore stop criyn for no reason just because you got outplayed

Frost could do with a small nerf but its not over the top OP like you suggest


So you got owned by a Mage get over it and stop being butt hurt.

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I hate being that player, but:

Arcane doesn’t have any stuns.
Your “high instant damage pressure” is reliant on getting of a 2.5 second cast arcane surge, with touch of magi / Magi’s Spark.

On one school of magic. That you can interrupt, and they can’t blink, use shields, use alter time, interrupt you or damage you.

I just don’t know what high damage pressure you’re even referring to that is outside our burst.


Plus Hunters are the biggest Rock and to the Mages Scissors…. More one sided than Mage over Warrior even…
Hunters lick their chops when they see a mage, free win.


As a warrior. I dont even agree mages need a nerf. I mean i dont like the 7 blinks, but that is all.

Know your class better then they know theirs. I baited 3 mages into a small building in twin peaks and they thought it would be easy because they sre my direct counter. But they foolishly walked into this small room and when i hit my cooldowns they all paniced and couldnt get away. Killed them all.