There has been a lot of buzz about how “crazy” fire mage damage will be, but most of that damage is ignite only. (In some cases it is 70% or higher).
Without it they are predicted to be doing around 1/3 of the dps of every other class. This is honestly really poorly thought out and doesn’t aid in making people want to play the class.
So far there is no word (that I can find) how we are to make frost mage viable compared with other specs and classes (you know the fire mages will want one). Frost has been a breath of fresh air and honestly the most enjoyable spec I’ve played in a while. (Some of that is just because we aren’t spending 1-2 minutes drinking in dungeons or in raids).
Healer mages seem to be about to be relegated to “damage boosting other classes or doing middle of the pack healing.
I really hope that the team gives some of these sets (and other classes) a more realistic look over, as we have a lot of specs that are in a great shape right now, and it would be a shame to ruin that.
If I am mistaken, fair be it, but I really hope that some changes are made. I am not asking for mages to be made into OP monsters, but I do hope every spec is still viable in and outside of Nax.
Biggest mistake was focusing on ignite since the dps numbers gets inflated so much with stacked Mages making it look like they do alot of dps on their own. relying on so many debuffs from others and keeping ignite up makes is impossible to balance fire Mage to function properly outside of raids. I wish they actually nerfed Ignite and focused on buffing abilites and casting speed instead.
I mainly heal in raids and when i saw the t3 set bonus channeling regeneration gives targets speed boost and potential dps increase only to them is probably the most laughable set bonus I’ve seen. literally saying we should stand still channeling while others are having fun? Why not “after full channeling gives YOU a speed boost and chance to increase dps/heal every sec for 6 seconds”
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The sims are broken. Ignite is double dipping with the sanctified bonus.
Didn’t the Ignite setbonus get nerfed already? It doesn’t “grow in power” anymore like the lock Agony bonus.
My point was more that so many people were so focused on those big big numbers that no one seems to be giving any critical feedback of how lackluster the mage set seemingly is right now for all three of the main specs.
We can hope that there are enough good changes before they push Nax out the door, but right now it just seems like the whole class might just be ignored.
frost mage should be viable with the reduction cap on sanctified gear. fire will be higher, but the WC slave should still put out decent numbers. basically zg 5 set with T1 20% FoF set as a shoulder enchant then the rest of the pieces sanct
arcane should still have a couple niche fights like loatheb and saph where they will likely be the go to healer.