Mage (maybe resto druid/shammy. . . ) LF Light Raiding Guild Sargares

Just coming back to the game after about a 6 month break and I am looking for light raiding guild. I haven’t actively raided competitively in quite some time, since siege of orgimmar actually (shorly afterwards I had my first kid), but I will do well. In 8.0 I was pulling +11 and +12 keys on my resto shammy, resto druid, and vengence demon hunter in pugs. Looking to do more than just mythic+ in 8.2.

I would like to raid one night per week, maybe two, after ~9:30pm pacific time. Any nights would work but Saturday would be most preferred.

Preferably I would want to DPS on my recently dinged mage who will hopefully hit around 385ish ilvl by the time 8.2 hits. alternative I am willing to heal on my resto shammy or druid.

Really I just want to have fun in a group that I know. I got a few ahead of the curves in the last few years but the game is just not the same in pugs . . . and once mythic+ came out I just really ignored raiding.

Toiletbandit and astrallballz are my most accomplished characters in BFA in regards to mythic+

I promise not to disappoint!


We are recruiting for 8.2 sellouts illidan-horde we raid t/w/th 9pm-11 EST. If you would be up to faction changing we would love to have you. Hit me up necropoles#1464 bnet or cubfucious#8979 discord if you want to chat about it.

Hi Dem,

Doesn’t look like our times line up, but if you are flexible or looking for a place to hang out, give us a look…


We raid Tues and Thurs nights from 9pm –midnight central/ sever time and looking for a mage.

Currently 1/9M, 9/9H, & 2/2H. Mostly just aim for AOTC then hit a few mythic bosses to pass the time between raid tiers.

Most of us are in our 30s. My Battletag is JRoc#1966 and Discord is JRoc#5400. Hit me up and lets chat!

Still looking and it is amazing how few late night guilds there are. Looking for raid starting at 9 pacific time at the earliest.

Hello, we are recruiting:

Lint Roll My Carpet | Horde | Mal’Ganis

We raid Saturday and Sunday, 1:00am-3:30am CST


Still looking for a guild that starts after 9 and doesn’t go later than midnight any nights! Pacific time. I am finding that is not an easy ask.