Mage macro

Hello, lets just say I am a less than versed player in regards to coding and macros and syntax and the general technological side of gaming.

I am currently trying to create a mage macro that Uses my talisman of ephemeral power every 90seconds > uses my arcane power every 180> frost bolt> pom> frostbolt> frostbolt spam.

This is what ive come up with

#showtooltip Frostbolt
/castsequence reset=90 Talisman of Ephemeral Power
/castsequence reset=180 Arcane Power, Frostbolt, Presence of Mind, Frostbolt
/castsequence Frostbolt

For some reason every once in a while Arcane power seems to dispel itself? Or recast its self? Immediately after being applied resulting in its removal. Any help in fixing this is appreciated! If it makes a difference, I am literally spam clicking the button like a hardcore retail player would…

My theory is that its getting too many inputs on the 2nd step of the cast sequence or just happens to be at the 180s CD so it resets to that step for the second press to remove it.

I can’t confirm it and would need to test it but the castsequences I use don’t rely on a time’d reset but will experiment later if I can remember.

That’s not how cast sequences work. reset=time means reset after the key has not been pressed for time

Furthermore, you can’t cast multiple GCD bound abilities at the same time. However, fortunately for you trinkets and cooldowns were off the GCD back then so you can just use the following:

/cast Talisman of Ephemeral Power
/cast Arcane Power
/cast Presence of Mind
/cast Frostbolt

If AP is still somehow toggling itself off (I have no idea why it would given that it’s not a toggle) try the following:

/cast Talisman of Ephemeral Power
/cast !Arcane Power
/cast Presence of Mind
/cast Frostbolt

If that doesn’t fix it then you have an addon or something messing with it.