Name: Ecocerg
I’m looking for a friendly and mature guild on Crusader Strike that is more casual, but still does group activity such as dungeons, and dare I say roleplay (this is a roleplay server after all).
I finally found time to get into Season of Discovery and I feel that the World of Warcraft I love before is back. I just turned 20, and I am casually leveling.
I’m looking for more of a family oriented guild rather than a guild who just wants to get things done. I do enjoy roleplaying, however I am okay with joining a guild for dungeon runs or maybe even raid runs. I am looking for the vanilla experience where I would meet up with a group of players at the closest town to the dungeon and traveling to that dungeon as a group. I don’t care how small or big the guild is, as long as we all support each other.
If you have a spot in your guild open, please message me in game or send an in game email.