Mage looking for a 2 night mythic guild

Hi, I’m currently playing a frost mage and am in a casual guild that’s 3/12 mythic. I’m feeling super unfulfilled by being the only one who ever seems to want to push to get better and instead of becoming disgruntled or forcing change on a group of players that’s currently happy with where they are, I feel it’s best that I moved on.

So here’s what I’m looking for. I’m looking to raid two nights a week, later in the evening, so probably a PST guild would be best. I currently play with RL friends on monday and wednesday, so those two nights are out of play for me right now. I am stubbornly a frost mage at the moment, but going in to shadowlands I’m looking at potentially playing frost, arcane, shadow, or balance. My mage is sufficiencly geared and I currently parse blue/purple on most fights. I have some experience, long ago now, of raiding at the higher end, but for the last several years I’ve mostly been an aotc guy. I always come prepared with consumables and try to get an understanding of fights ahead of time. I have a small daughter, so anything prior to 8pm cst will not work for, unfortunately.

Anyways, there it is. I’m currently on Bleeding Hollow horde side, so if your groups there thats a $$ plus for me. If you have any questions please respond here and I’ll get in touch with you.

Hey if you’re still looking for that perfect home add me on bnet and lets talk.

[H] Sanctuary is a large gaming community with a great WoW base. Semi Hardcore raiding progression guild. Only months old but already into Mythic! 4/12m

Raid Times:
Thursday:10p-1a (CST) (this would be 11-2a EST, or 8p-11a PST) NOT MANDATORY but encouraged for those who still need gear from Heroic Ny’lotha

Friday: 10p-1a (CST) (this would be 11-2a EST, or 8p-11p PST) Mythic

Saturday: 10p-1a (CST) (this would be 11-2a EST, or 8p-11p PST) Mythic
(we are considering adding more days, but times would most likely remain the same)
====Realm Cluster====
[Gurubashi] [Aegwynn] [Hakkar] [Daggerspine] [Garrosh] and [Bonechewer]

Feel free to contact us if you have more questions:
Go to Arktuary(dot)com and discord info is on front page
If you join discord, select WoW icon in the #auto-roles section to be able to see the WoW channels.

You can add us as a friend via discord:

You can also add us to btag:

Good morning Fallstaff,

War Theory is a semi-hardcore, 3/12M raiding guild on Bleeding Hollow - US. We strive to complete every boss of the current content before the start of the next raid tier, on a two night, six hour a week, raid schedule. We welcome healthy competition in our roster, and our goal is to promote a balance between progression and fun, while maintaining momentum throughout the current tier.We are a guild that strives to create long-lasting friendships in a virtual world, because let’s face it. This game sucks to play alone.

Raid Times:

We operate on a two day raiding schedule, with an additional optional re-clear night.

Friday: 9PM to 12AM EST (6PM to 9PM PST))

Saturday: 9PM to 12AM EST (6PM to 9PM PST)

Monday / Thursday optional extra progression day or heroic clear.

Additional questions can be directed to Adzz (Shocky#11140) on Battlenet and Adzz#4670 on Discord.

Interested? Join our recruitment discord to fill out an app!

Hi Fallstaff,

Split is a weekend mythic raiding guild on Mal’Ganis.

Hours: Fri - Sat 10:00pm -1:00am EST (Shadowlands schedule)

Leadership is currently 12/12m and all members have true CE experience dating back to Cata. We’re looking for some ranged DPS to finish the roster and a solid MAge/Spriest/Balance would be perfect.

We are not actively raiding this tier and are taking a slow, methodical approach to recruiting. If any of the sparks your interest, please send me a request on Discord.


Good luck in your search.

Hey Fallstaff,

[Arise] Reforming for Shadowlands. We are located on Tichondrius. Our core has been formed through longtime friendships which has always been the foundation of our guild. Our goal is set on mythic progression with intention of pushing CE. We’re an extremely close group of people that are always willing to help out with whatever you need to be successful in the guild. We also like to occasionally spam M+ outside of raid times for gearing fellow guild members. Our core is made up of positive individuals who strive to push the guild in a path towards CE.

Current Recruitment Needs:

<Range: All Classes

<Melee: All Classes

<Tank: All Classes

<Healer: All Classes

(Even if your class isn’t specifically listed above, we encourage you to apply or contact the recruiter anyways. We are a progression guild after all and we will always consider exceptional players)

Raid Schedule :
Wednesday: 8:00pm - 11:00pm PST
Thursday: 8:00pm - 11:00pm PST

Prior Achievements: 6/9M 9/9H BoD 2/2H CoS

General requirements include:

Mature players (Preferably 21+)
-Positive attitude towards every situation.
-Ability to adapt and overcome.
-Desire and passion to get better each and every night with the intention of achieving personal goals/guild goals.
-Ability to use Discord and have a working mic.
-Ability to frequently check up on our discord for updates on raid strategies and other general guild information.

We understand real life takes priority so a simple heads up to the GM or an officer will suffice. If you cannot keep a raid attendance of 90%, then this guild might not be the right fit for you.

Feel free to contact us with any questions:
Kostadine- Kostadine#1413
Enkazil- Enkazil#1407

Kostadine - Kosta#8757
Enkazil - Enkazil#7836

H - Blind Ambition - US, Zul’jin - 12/12 M Ny’alotha experienced raiders LF DK (dps), lock, mage for Shadowlands prog roster. Raids T/Wed 8-11pm EST. We’re laid back, social and like to progress. Non-raiders welcome for M+ and general content.

We ask that you come ready to play at your best skill level, raiding only 2 days and at 6 hours per week.

B: Aerbax#11297
D: Aerbax#2889

If this is agreeable with you, then feel free to reach out and we can have a convo. Good luck in your search! :smiley:


[H] Autonomy - Spinebreaker
Raid times -
(Main Raid)Tues/Wed 730pm pst - 930pm pst(4hrs)
(Optional) Saturday Alt/Trial/Casual 730pm pst - 1030pm pst
Progression -
Nyloth 10/12M
EP 4/8M

We are a friendly small casual guild on a very quiet server(Spinebreaker). we bring a stress/drama free environment. No loot qqers/big egos or favoritism here.
All of our raiders have the same vision in progression we get work done within our 2 hour raid window.

We run keys/alt runs through out the week!
We enjoy pvp as well.
We run a optional Saturday Casual/Alt Heroic clear 730pm pst - 1030pm pst.

Please be able to make Tues/Wed raid times if you plan on raiding with us.
Recruiting for Tues/Wed 730pm pst - 930pm pst.


msg me thiz #11864

Hey Fallstaff,

I’m going to drop some copy pasta for you to read. If interested, even in just feeling us out with a further discussion, the contact info is at the bottom.

Its Mine I Licked It (US-Storm rage) is recruiting for semi-casual raiding in Shadowlands!

Its Mine I Licked It was founded prior to the launch of Shadowlands by a group of friends with significant hardcore raiding experience. All of the founding members have played WoW since The Burning Crusade or earlier, and have raided since Wrath of the Lich King or before. More to the point, each of the founding members have at minimum US Top 50 experience, and we have all held leadership positions in competitive raiding guilds.

However, life goes on and people get older, and we all stopped raiding or even playing the game all together in either Legion or Battle for Azeroth for individual reasons. However, we also love this game and have come back over the last few months (or for some of us, never left at all). For all of us, raiding is an integral part of this game, and that’s what we plan to do. Still, we don’t want to break our backs pushing the true bleeding edge of end game content like we all did for so many years.

In Shadowlands, we will plan to clear all Heroic raid content and some Mythic content, as well as provide an environment conducive for Mythic + dungeon runs. However, we are all at the point in our lives where pushing late hours or extra nights to clear a Mythic Raid is not what we are looking for. Instead, we want to focus on a less grindy experience while still pushing ourselves and playing efficiently.

The raid schedule is going to be TUESDAYS and THURSDAYS from 8 EST – 11 US Eastern time. We will only be raiding 6 hours a week, so we will be pulling at 8. In other words, the ability to be on by 7:45 or so is important/necessary.

At the moment, we are recruiting ALL CLASSES AND ROLES. If you are interested in raiding with us, please add myself (Moophisto#11601), Lyssan (Lyssan#1884) or Fuzzii (Fuzzii#1197) on Bnet to set up an interview time.

Heya we’re rebuilding on our CE guild on Area 52 and are looking for members heading into SL. I have left generic recruitment text below.

Are you a boosted Bonobo? Are you looking for a relaxed raiding guild?
Well I got one for you Bonobos - Area 52 is a Horde guild looking to recruit members for Shadowlands!
We are a previous CE Guild on Mug’thol/Akama/Dragonmaw, back in BFA, reforming on Area 52.
BFA Progression:

  • 5/9 M BOD
  • 7/7 M Uldir
    Legion Progression:
  • 9/11 M ABT
  • 7/9 M TOS
  • 9/10 M NH
    Our raid times are:
    Thursday: 7:00 pm(pst) - 11:00pm (pst)

If interested, or have any more questions message me on Discord or add me in game:
Dottie#11173 (bnet)
Others you can talk to:
Wednezday#1133 (Guild master)
Wednezday#7136 (Gm’s Discord)