Mage main (Tasenshadsen, I’m the only one on any server in retail or vanilla) since vanilla and into current retail. Also mage main since classic started and up to P2 tbc where my guild had a small implosion due to the things that were happening outside of the game at activision blizzard.
Decided to come back and go back to my roots with horde and start fresh. New to the server. I also brought over another mage friend and a hunter friend that are also looking to raid when WotLK comes out. (the other mage is Enerion, and has similar logs to mine from p1 and p2 of tbc)
[Availability]: Evenings/late night: tue/thurs raid times are best. but i play every day (i’m an RN that works overnights and I work every other weekend)
[Contact]: Discord - tasenshadsen#7080, in game - dsmcub#1136
[Guild Type]: semi-sweaty that downs bosses when its current content.
[Guild Expectations]: active outside of raid.
[Gear]: Just hit 70 today and am starting to gear and get rep, so its slow going at the moment with the pugs on this server requiring t6 for kara.
[Logs]: p2 tbc -
p1 tbc -
What I’m Looking For:
a semi-sweaty type of guild that is rather active outside of raid and gets things done inside of raid. A place where consumables are expected by the raiders as well as some understanding of the fights before we are doing said content, and organization on the parts of the officer team. I prefer a semi rotating loot council type of system over a dkp type of system where everyone puts forth their info and does their own research on what their bis is (I’ve actually made spreadsheets for each tier of content and what people needed based on what they said so officers had an easier time deciding on things) compared to ‘i want this item b/c its an upgrade for me now’ when it could be a bis item for others.