Mage LF Late Night Raiding guild

Hello! New Mage to the server. Looking for possibly a late night raiding guild. I am hoping to get into mythics this expansion i want to push hard at achieving a lot. If f anyone is interested please message me on bnet Venth#1772

Hey! We are currently looking for a Mage (any spec) to help round out our raid team!
Here’s my little sales pitch lol:
We’re Aggressively Average and we are actively recruiting for our raid group. We are an AOTC focused group and are looking to push into Mythic this expansion. If raiding isn’t your style, we also enjoy pushing M+ keys and just having a fun time.

For Raid we are actively looking for ( but not limited to):
DPS: Mage, Demon Hunter, Warrior
Raid times are Sunday and Monday 7pm-10pm Server

Even if you just wish to play casually and are looking for a fun group to hang out with, you should check us out!

For more information feel free to shoot me a message discord: Awolturtle#7559 BNET: Awolturtle #1954