Mage is reaaally bad LMAO

Ur posting on a paladin but presumably playing a mage

I am doing the same

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So ur options are either

A. chase a mage all game and his damage isn’t insane but still respectable and his partner gets to freecast .


B. ignore him and tank constant130k fireballs all game long

Doesn’t sound very fair to me :cold_sweat:

I haven’t played fire or arcane, but it seems to me that frost is doing the same damage numbers it did in season 1 but now on season 2 health pools. The loss of the tier set bonuses really hurts frost, I think.

You only get buff after 8 seconds of not casting so you can’t freecast and hit that hard :sweat_smile:

It’s more like 40-80k fireballs depending on crit if turreting them

Regardless……feeecasting firemage feels spooky AF this season :confounded:

After boomy and destro get nerfed(if they get nerfed) I could see fire mage taking over

Also combust feels like it deletes hp bars way harder than before

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Yea I’d agree on that
. Boomy destro ele and even sp are pretty scary left alone right now .

Fire may not be the same caliber but I feel like I can hold my own with them in regards to pressure

Doubt they will get nerfed though will have to see

Maybe clone and observer that’s it

It’s strange for someone to say something like that when your own experience is quite limited. shrug

Tfw amount of fire mages queueing is still incredibly low, so doubt. 11.6k arms war queues, vs 1.8k fire mage :thinking: Even more fury war queues than any mage spec. More enhance sham queues than any spec too. Crazy. The only ‘s’ casters is (yet again) warlock, and boomie this season.

Aren’t you the guy who hides everything except he got Duelist (curiously the same season RSS was released, and even that is now hidden lol)? You’re not only in zero position to say anything, but also so scared of some geek over a forum calling you bad that you went out of your way to hide all your credibility. Lol

It’s not high school, Billy, no one can hurt you anymore.


Mage isn’t popular though. Fire mage in BFA and S1 SL had more rep bc spammable gpyros and 100-0 combust in 1-2 GCDS drew people in.

Mage design isn’t appealing enough for people to say oh gee that looks fun I wanna play that class/spec or main it. Fire mage rep is still up a lot from last season at least

idk venruki seems to have fun on his arcane mage lol

No, because 1 I’m not a guy, and 2 I got Elite not Duelist. You’re the one that’s apparently been ‘playing for some time’ but hardstucl like rival?

Nothing is hidden, actually. I just have ‘share game data’ turned off. Lol, lmao, roflcopter.

Stop talking like it is, then.

Anything that’s ‘s tier’ would be. Sorry.

They rating bashed me for being 100 cr higher than me in rss with 4x the games played


rival vs. doolist shuffle rating bashing for the wow forums version of youtuber boxing, tune in tonight

What an odd thing to do. :dracthyr_crylaugh:

Account only showing DF S1 activity, capped at Duelist. Odd.

How dare it take you more games to get rating when they cheesed something OP early season. Lol

Nah the tiers are based around how goods spec is. Not how popular it is. If something is a lot harder to play than it’s counterpart then it’s going to be much less popular even if it’s extremely good.

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I worded it poorly but she(?) had more games played and then said something along the lines of “I find it funny you say this when I’m higher cr than you”

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No, you tried to rating shame me then I pointed out that you were literally calling me a ‘bad player’ when I was higher rated than you on a less strong class.

Sure is.

Not an AWC champ therefore you cannot talk about anything in PvP, I surmise.

Oh, so ret was F tier like people were saying! Got it. There’s definitely no correlation between games/rounds played and spec strength, nope! Rets just went from no one playing it to basically everyone playing it in no way because of the spec strength.

Arfbishop the dumbest person alive


I also enjoy being so dense that light can bend around me on purpose