Well yes fire has never been in a position besides corruptions and lobbying gpyros that it actually does very good sustained DPS.
Its always been fairly useless outside of combust beside cc. Now they do pretty decent dmg. I’m not complaining its actually nice to move healthbars without relying on a 2 minute CD to do it.
Frost yea they’ve been able to do sustain DPS for sometime and arcane I haven’t seen but I’m hearing it does pretty nice pressure.
Fire up until this season has always had the issue of every drop of damage in combust and gated around combust CDR. In DF specifically it still built like a SL combust mage but doesn’t play like it or have the same damage it did without leggos or infernal cascade.
All of S1 it felt garbo for that reason no damage in or out of combust that any class couldn’t shrug off with a personal CD or sustain and then your basically useless besides the CC you bring.
Now fire actually puts out a respectable bit of sustain so if they ignore you and train someone else your not standing there with your cheeks flappin in the wind furiously spamming 10-15k fireballs and not budging a healthbar while a team triple trains someone and disregards your existence and collects points.
I have not no. I’m permalocked to flame/glass and ring of fire.
I’ll give it a try one of these games and maybe drop 1 point in firemind to grab it over like ring of fire maybe?.
What kind of numbers have you seen with it. I’ve never been too much a fan with the whole reticle thing. Even if you have like an @cursor it still feels goofy to aim/track and pull the trigger on nonstop during say a hyperthermia proc. Feels clunky as heck.
Or like Fb Fb and point and @cursor a flamestrike over some peeps. doesn’t feel smooth at all if your being trained
Tbh I think fire is getting closer to being a spec people want to play.
They just need to fix entire right side of tree and offer other build paths.
Need to be fixed. Pyroblast base cast time needs to be dropped so pyroclasm is usable and the whole right side needs rework/tuning. 4.5 Baseline cast is some vanilla crap.
If they were to ask me I’d say world in flames should just trigger off living bomb. IE living bomb detonates and it calls down a 200% increased flamestrike on targets when it blows up.
Would make the talent worth picking up.
Both of them living bomb and world in flames.
You could do a lot with that and even pick up flame patch if it was tuned a bit more. Mostly because our capstones are all trash and not useable beside hyperthermia. Fiery rush is reduced to 30% and PVP and only gives you 1 additional pyroblast in a full 12 second combust…which is basically nothing lol. I think it hits around the 6-7 second mark.
Whats your average pyroblast hitting for? This also puts dot on ground and spreads lviing bombs around when speced into it so does even more while hitting more tthan 1 target vs teams that stack up.
believe it or not mage is trash in pvp i geared mine in pvp gear hopping for buffs and even with buffs frost was trash. 2 second cast to hit 24k frost bolts on 580k life pools.
You are dropping way too many core talents to pick up living bomb, fs, imp fs, flame patch and incendiary eruptions. Especially with how low damage they do. You might be able to get away with just flamestrike/imp FS for like bgs and epic bgs
Don’t go full crazy like that. Eventually when they buff/retune right side of tree it could be a solid cleave build tho.
That build tuned correctly and conflagration/firefall would be one heck of a fire mage playstyle thematically. Throw in full mastery and you would be set.
Rn its just meaningless and non threatening pad though. it does look impressive on scoreboard at least. I’ve done that in a few ashrans and im like 150 mil+ damage and 0 KBs by end of it.
I like to reason with myself “but hey thats 150 million damage they had to heal right?”
This was pre world in flames rework when you could just spam it with 1.2 cast
I said ‘they’re doing fine,’ in contrast of OP basically calling them unplayable. Being a harder class to play than most other classes is likely closer to the root of OP’s problem as opposed to them ‘hitting like a wet noodle.’
Also, dueling isn’t the only thing I’m basing an opinion off of; I just saw an opportunity to give Setback some positive feedback. 2 or 3 separate times last week I got deleted because Mage’s historically weren’t overly threatening so I didn’t pay them much mind while topping others and found out my own HP bar should have been my priority (and that was in content with zero dampening).
Yeah, don’t listen to the mage that plays 1k higher cr than you. That’s always helpful. That knows what he’s talking about. Yeah, don’t listen to that guy.
You just want to cry to cry.