Mage healing is an actual joke and a meme spec

Meanwhile, the not-trash healing specs don’t have to work hard to make it work because their kit works better without the extra effort.

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The thing is it wasn’t broken where it didn’t work it worked perfectly fine.

Mage healing isn’t trash lol, its just more complicated than average healers can handle. You’re also adding dps which is valuable.



Yes, it is. Outside of AoEing with living flame their mana to healing is garbage tier. Their speed to actually heal someone is extremely slow, leaving them without much opportunity for life-saving emergency healing since they nerfed regen by over 50% AND increased its mana cost post blizzcon reveal.

Priest and Druid AoE healing runes require zero coordination or awareness.

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once again disc priest, you aren’t reactive you’re proactive. If you’re playing reactively then it’ll be bad because thats not the play style.

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Disc priests have both reactive and proactive healing in modern WoW. Every healer needs to have emergency healing.

Which again, Mage would have been fine at if the Blizzcon rune values went live. They were nerfed to be trash.

Legion disc when it was introduced did not, shadow mend bled out half the healing so you needed to make sure the person would take the bleed out damage for max value. This is called proactive healing lol also all atonement effects.

Legion disc was crippled in most forms of content to balance around streamers being able to make videos where they could show off raid burst healing windows, which was the ONLY thing they were good at.

It was trash design and most people hated it.

It was also very good when played well, and most people couldn’t do that, sound familiar…?

You sound about as delusional as the streamers who defended the design when most other players hated it.

Mages are the only class really paying the hybrid tax right now. Regenerate shouldn’t cost anywhere near as much mana as it does, or temporal beacon should last longer and mass regen is terrible. Also, making bosses like Kelris randomly 50% resistant to arcane but no physical equivalent when caster DPS is worse across the board didn’t help either.

Its throughput isn’t good on sustain fights and while it has its moments it comes out as a fairly mediocre healer damage hybrid which isn’t particularly good at either, and does okay healing as a third healer slot in when there’s a lot of tank damage. It seems dumb that they made it so mana costly when arcane is already such a mana consuming spec, then limiting it only to arcane. Bosses have ~70k to 100khp and I struggle to retain mana for them at the best of times.

Having said all that, I suspect it will be a lot stronger later because it has double scaling. It’s effectively getting both healing and damage bonuses from gear, and gear in SOD seems to be giving those. So who knows how it will scale, but I suspect pretty well.

My group 2 healed our first BFD with only a mage and priest healer, in which the mage out healed the priest on several fights, even Kelris.

That same mage has 2-manned several dungeons with me, and hasn’t had mana issues even on long fights when managed properly.

Not to be that guy, but this whole post kind of reeks of skill issue to me.


Mages can theoretically do a large amount of healing if people are actually standing close together to allow you to do burst windows with mass regen.

This is why blizzard nerfed the hell out of their base healing values and obliterated their mana costs. They balanced around well-coordinated beacon burst windows, which I warned even before it went live would be a terrible way of doing it as it makes them terrible outside of those situations.

Pug as a priest vs. a mage, which is more likely to be a nightmare because one is adaptable to many situations and one is extremely situational and requires your raid to play around your kit?

Nobody is even trying to argue living flame in dungeons isn’t strong. Has nothing at all to do with the flaws in their mechanics. I’ve 2 manned several dungeons on my mage as well.

If your spec not being viable isn’t the classic experience, then what is?

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I would like to see the regen/mass regen taken off the global cd just like counterspell, but have its own 1.5 second cd or perhaps a limited number of targets on regen.

Right now you have to calculate the position of players to get multiple targets in your aoe heal, coordinate that with boss events like the turtle shield explosion, and have arcane blast going to intercept it. If not, then half of your group is snipe healed by the main healers anyways. To do that it requires a lot more effort than other dedicated healing specs and still done perfectly takes 4+ seconds to see respectable numbers. The heal tics for 60 at 25, I think my priest at level 10 is doing better with penance.

For me to play it I have a Christmas list.
off the GCD
aoe range bigger than 15 yards
some kind of emergency heal (rewind time on gloves might do this but requires even more finesse)

Blockquote Not to be that guy, but this whole post kind of reeks of skill issue to me.

Healer Mage Healing Rankings - Blackfathom Deeps Complete Raids | Warcraft Logs vanilla.warcraftlogs . com/zone/rankings/2007#metric=hps&class=Mage&spec=Healer

It can be deceiving when you see some meters like a mage on kelris doing 120 HPS and you don’t look deeper into the logs.

One of the top performing resto-mages was in raid with a stack of FotM classes doing almost 20k damage each, they killed that boss with 4 people while the rest of the raid watched, that’s kind of why people are annoyed with it.

Some raids are killing Kelris in a little over 60 seconds while others are closing in on 3 minutes. It’s a team game and that changes things quite a lot.

Kelriss is hard for Mage Healer because they gave him 200 Arcane resist and Arcane Mage relies on atonement healing. It’s just stupid boss design, not that Arcane Mage doesn’t work, because it works on plenty of other fights. It’s also worth saying that Mage Healer doesn’t have Mage Armor yet.

I feel that Arcane Mage is actually going to be pretty big in Gnomer. It can do good damage while healing, so once it has actual mana sustain it has the potential to be quite strong.

It’s beyond demented. When I’m at the bottom of the meter but I have the highest parse in raid then something is sus with the fight design when that isn’t the case for the rest of the dungeon.

Meh. Warlocks and Mages are a dime a dozen bc they both thought their runes would be the OP ones, now they are salty they aren’t #1 in their roles. I for one, as a geared priest, won’t be spending another 4 hours in BFD to roll against 3-4 locks/mages that go oom 40 seconds into every fight and are the main reason most groups have no shot at 6th/7th bosses.

P sure world first bfd had a mage healer. And that’s without bis or pre raid bis / doing the raid for more or less the first time.

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Basically 7/7 BFD as a healer support. Mostly healed on the 2nd to final boss but the other bosses I just mostly dps’d and healed when necessary.

I don’t think that says much of anything. A world first group is going to be super coordinated and generally more knowledgeable. The limited niche strength of a mages kit would more likely be played around by that kind of a group.

The kit is still bad and a lot less flexible than other healers.

Being good at mass living flame AoE is nice.

The few people who enjoy coordinating raid burst windows in guild groups might like it in a raid setting.

It’s still clunky and annoying to play though. The mana situation sucking in SoD isn’t really mage exclusive but also a problem that makes them feel worse.

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