Atonement was added in Cataclysm, it’s not new…
Also… pure discipline is not viable at all either… can’t spam shields and use penance in raid, you’ll get oom in seconds.
Atonement was added in Cataclysm, it’s not new…
Also… pure discipline is not viable at all either… can’t spam shields and use penance in raid, you’ll get oom in seconds.
good. mage healing should be a joke
just be happy you can heal at all.
Yeah most people still playing vanilla classic couldn’t give a single sht about cata or anything retail. SoD brought in a bunch of retail people, but acting like everyone knows retail mechanics in this crowd is laughable.
battlemages would have been much better
Why not?
The rest of what you said is nonsense anyway, you don’t do that much damage when you’re spending so much mana.
hmmm maybe because mages deal a lot more damage than priests
Tell me you don’t understand mana management without telling me you don’t.
Mage can never be a good healer without it being OP.
Yeah the problem is mainly that retail people have no idea how to manage mana in vanilla.
Mom, can we have: Chloromancer from Rift.
No, you have: Chloromancer from Rift at home.
Mage healing is pretty much that. If they just took notes, they could see what a ‘do damage to heal’ healer looks like, and it isn’t this.
They either need to make the beacon-apply spells WAY cheaper, or they need to make beacon last for like 5 minutes.
I don’t care.
Mages should be a strong healer. I didn’t ask Blizzard to copy and paste a poorly tuned atonement version. I’ve suggested plenty of other ways they could have done mage healing in other threads.
Buff priest damage.
Because if you add a new role to a season, it should be good.
Why bother doing it if it’s trash?
why can’t healing just be something a mage does on the side, while he deals damage?
Now that, was a good healing build
Because it’s a healing spec not a shadow priest talent that does minor splash healing. It’s also clearly not balanced for that either.
As I’ve mentioned multiple places, the original values were also much better. Both healing spells healed for significantly more and cost significantly less. It was panic nerfed just before release because trying to balance around temporal beacon is a bad idea.
Sorry bud, I heal just fine in both dungeons and raid. If you can’t play retail style disc priest then you can’t mage heal, also use arcane blast no other spell is viable for healing. Clear cast procs on missles if you want a little more bang. Only thing we need is for mass regen to have 30-40 yard range.
They should have made mage healer similar to Rift Chloromancer.
Get a self buff that lets you put a specific buff on the tank that makes them take X% of healing from your arcane damage.
Get a self buff that heals the group for X% of your arcane damage.
Buffs don’t need to be reapplied unless you or the tank dies.
Then give them 2 instant oh crap heals 1 single target and 1 group that are on like 30second cooldowns.
Chloromancer was broken lol, I played it.
Mage healing is objectively garbage tier in raids and you are not special.
“Only thing we need is for you to double or more the range of our AoE healing like you did to priests and druids, the actual good raid healers.”
Plenty of us make it work, and choosing smart targets for aoe heal jump isn’t hard its just annoying remembering everyones group and positioning for optimum healing.