Mage Healing feels good!

Thank you thank you thank you for updating the mana costs for the regen spells. Looking forward to the next tier as well…

Can we possibly look at Temporal Anomaly being a little more useful in raid content? Maybe make greater decurse a book we learn so we do not lose access to dispel magic.

Heck, not a whole redesign, but perhaps make it so it shields the party of the target you have selected? Personally I’d just love a static orb, but I think having at least target a party of your choosing will increase its worthwhile.

on that note, Advanced Warding…

To make it worth while to use mana shield on a target, perhaps something such as, “Mana shield no longer drains mana for damage, but now has a cooldown.” While having it scale a little bit with our spell power.

Other unique ways to apply Temporal beacons :slight_smile:

Seriously loving Mage in p5 PTR, thanks again!

Extra extra request. Could we look at the rune for Arcane Missiles to also allow us to cast AM while moving when procc?

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What I’d really like is Temporal Anomaly to make my target BECOME the Temporal Anomaly. Instead of throwing a glowing ball down the road that gives shields around, the shields emanate from the target. That would be real fun to play with! Right now Temporal Anomaly feels extremely clunky and not worth the trouble. Also please put a spell coefficient on Temporal Anomaly so that it can scale properly with future content.