Mage Healer Issues and Glitches

-Mage Healer nax 2PC proc doesn’t scale with Sanctified. Making Frost DPS+ZG set ideal

-Time Rewind doesn’t work as intended if you reapply Mass Regeneration and completely resets damage window

-Arcane Missiles in Karazhan cancel channel and are glitchy in some encounters due to light mechanic

which 2pc? AQ40?

I suspect you mean the tier 2.5 set which had its bonus rendered non-functional randomly a few weeks ago. The function of arcane blast extra arcane damage and healing stacks was climbing by 25% when the first round of phase 7 PTR was out but only climbing by the default 15% by the second in both PTR and live client.

I presume you’re observing what’s listed here.

This here is so annoying. it has to be a bug

Spellfrost bolt more ideal as a Main healing Mage instead of Missiles and barrage? There’s no way?