-Mage Healer nax 2PC proc doesn’t scale with Sanctified. Making Frost DPS+ZG set ideal
-Time Rewind doesn’t work as intended if you reapply Mass Regeneration and completely resets damage window
-Arcane Missiles in Karazhan cancel channel and are glitchy in some encounters due to light mechanic
I suspect you mean the tier 2.5 set which had its bonus rendered non-functional randomly a few weeks ago. The function of arcane blast extra arcane damage and healing stacks was climbing by 25% when the first round of phase 7 PTR was out but only climbing by the default 15% by the second in both PTR and live client.
I presume you’re observing what’s listed here.
Updated from data collected on 17/01/2025
22nd of December 2024 is when this testing and feedback was completed.
Updated from data collected no 12/01/25
This will list exclusively out bugs or things not working as intended from ability outcomes to tooltips being incorrect.
Click to expand specific bug.
Mass Regeneration Beacon Timer Priorities Overwriting I’ve seen several threads about this in the past 6 months without a fix. Currently a lesser beacon timer applied via mass regeneration on …
This here is so annoying. it has to be a bug
Spellfrost bolt more ideal as a Main healing Mage instead of Missiles and barrage? There’s no way?