Class/Spec: Mage, Ret Paladin, or Havoc DH
Faction: Horde or Alliance
Cleared: 3/10M CN (First ever raid tier), 4/10M ( I missed kill for soulrender) SoD, 2/11M SotFO (I took a slight break this tier)
Btag: on3sh0t#1794
Discord: Lang#5210
Raider io Langsret, langsmage, or langsdh
Logs: Langsret or langsmage
Availability: 2x a week Monday - Friday (9:00 CST - 12:00 CST) I spend the weekend doing whatever with the Fam and usually Keys at night.
Wants: Looking for a guild that Raids 2x a week, Mythic Focused not AOTC, and thats active outside of raids.
I am looking for a new guild mainly due to mine raiding earlier than I am able to now. I took it super casual in S4, I got KSM on my mage and didn’t raid at all really. I play a multitude of classes but leaning Mage, Ret or Havoc for 10.0. I also off spec Prot and VDH. I would main one and the other would be an Alt. Possibly open to other classes but that would change when Pre patch comes out. I played mage like all of Shadowlands if arcane ends up being the only viable spec I’d rather delete my mage.