Mage -Fire (carrying topic over from mage forums)

Fire is in the worst place it has been ever. At item lvl 590 I can barley beat the tanks in single target DPS. In aoe fire is also bad, currently unable to be competitive with ANY class.
Considering this spec is on the class with no healing or tank options, and is fundamentally supposed to be the ultimate glass canon , this is not functioning as intended. There are not many fire mages left because it is like this. Blizzard I am sure this is not functioning as intended! Pyroblast hits like a noodle, can’t cleave unless spamming living tickle (bomb, and immense respectively, which is definitely not immense). Pyroblast is a near three second hard cast and it shouldn’t be THIS bad. According to details there are very few fire mages left. Now please don’t tell me to get good or play the spec of the month. Each spec should at least have the opportunity to do well, or be competitive. Locks and shamans are doing double! Double sustained DPS!!! This is not a gap that is coverable by skill. I refuse to play a different character because I just don’t enjoy the game outside of mage for end game content. And now my guild is put mages on standby for raids only using us for our lust utility. Arcane is just barely ok pre nerf, please at least give me hope by saying your aware of the performance…

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