Mage feels awful in PvP. Why Blizz?

The only people insisting Mages aren’t bad in PVP are people who play overpowered high mobility non-stop stun melee characters, and don’t wanna lose being top dog. :’)

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Is PvP still relevant these days?

Idk man I’ve played against some really good arc mages that are hard to really touch thanks to blink return from blink time anomaly second blink invisibility frost nova ring of frost second invisibility second frost nova cone of cold oh look blink is back up

:point_up: This

Not gonna lie, some melee are bananas right now, but mages actually have the toolkit they need to survive, even if it’s a bit button-bloaty.

Not to mention, it’s week 2 of a new expansion, and casters seem to get hit harder by the low secondary stat allotment found early in expansions.

I get a lot more fulfilment and accomplishment out of fighting other skilled players rather than hitting a bunch of AI monsters that take no skill aside from dodging. (:

Yeah I even left out a couple things, like return from time anomaly and polymorph spam and Soviet ice block to heal back most of their life and bubbles that heal them. I fought a draener mage the other night who had as many health bars as a prot pally bc he kept healing off his bubble and ice block and temporal shield and gift of the naaru

They nerfed the knockback on Blast Wave. Mage was great until they did that. I was super excited about that ability and it was only useful for about 2 weeks.

This is coming from a shadow priest!?

Well to be fair I was playing feral at the time bc let’s be honest, shadow priest hard counters all other casters

But mages aren’t bad! Arcane is in a good spot, does plenty of damage. With a little bit of guile and trickery you can put the screws to pretty much anybody

Between invisibility and the blink fake-outs you can just disappear off someone’s screen and it’s anybody’s guess where you landed. I’ve seen people lose them for so long they eat 3 arc blasts and a set of missiles before they figure out where the mage is standing again

It depends. I have accomplished too many things in my life for letting a game to measure my level of “fulfilment / accomplishment”.
If it’s a thing of having fun doing one activity rather than another, I think that’s fine. :slightly_smiling_face:

Mages still need a buff in pvp

You are partially there.

We need to make melee actually kitable again (the mobility arms race is absurd these days).

We need to make armor class matter - plate armor should actually mean something. Cloth armor classes need to be very afraid of having melee on them (not the current tanky clothies that just simply rotate spell schools when interrupted instead of kiting), but for that to occur we would need for melee to actually be kitable.

Enough of the self healing meta. Tone down all self heals from non healers significantly, but make heavy armor classes naturally durable from the armor itself.

The biggest pitfalls in pvp has come from all classes getting naturally tanky, therefore making the mobility and self healing meta what it is today

So I got to level cap and PvP is hilarious, feels almost like WotLK levels of burst damage, even if it’s not that high. Using the full set from getting 13k honor.

I’m anything but “tanky” as a frost mage.
Glacial Spike highest crits were around 100-120k on a 350-450k HP pool…
At least Flurry + Comet Storm + Spike is about a 30-50% HP burst as long as they take the whole Comet Storm.

I’ll stick to random BGs while leveling then.

Heroics have been fun, but people are playing like their rear end is on fire in dungeons.
Not even when facerolling WotLK heroics it was this bad on the “GOGOGO AAAAAAARGH”.